Remote Procedure Call

Buffalo Bob

New member
Help! I just upgraded from HS2002 to Sonar 2.2XL on a P4 XP machine. Now the computer is shutting down unexpectedly, and giving me a shutdown warning box stating that the Remote Procedure Call is malfunctioning, and something about the NT Authorization/System file. I can find neither of these files in a search –
I uninstalled Sonar, but it’s still shutting down. Anyone know what this is?

Thanks in advance.
Hey, Bob. How you doing? Haven't seen you around in awhile.

Wish I could help, but I'm pretty clueless on this one. If I recall, Win XP has an authorization procedure to activate it when you initially install it. Then if you make any major changes to your hardware configuration, it requires you to reauthorize (to prevent it from being installed on multiple machines). The language in the error message seems along these lines - but it certainly shouldn't have been triggered by installing Sonar. Did you do anything else to the computer in the process?

I'm not running XP yet, so this is just left-field guess. (Plus I wanted to say hi :) )
Hey Mike- thanks for the reply. All I did was install Sonar, then this shutdown started happening. No new hardware. Bummer. Here I was, all ready to jump into the real world of Sonar, and my computer keeps shutting down.
I'm dusting off the 4-track now!:cool:
You, Dr. Bison Robert,

Good to see you around! I have been a bit AWOL myself, but now I have a bit of free time.

I have no clue about your problem, am just saying "Howdy":cool:

PS, how is Pooka ( I have an awesome memory)? That photoshop I did of her (him?) was one of my all-time favorites.
Howdy Dave! Unfortunately, Pooka is chasing mice in the Great Beyond now, but he's never far away.
How's tricks? We're just getting ready for the Tourist Season. Cammo, ammunition... that sort of thing. Bagged three FrenchCans on Closing Day last season, so hope springs eternal.
Getting all rehearsed to go back into the Tiki Bars.

Shoot me...please?:p
It was just coincidence that it timed with your upgrade. What you have is most likely the msblast/lovesan virus that has hit thousands of people in the last couple days.

If you pull up your processes you will probably notice a msblast.exe running. It's probably also in your registry as a windows auto update named msblast.exe

I got it last night. Head over to microsoft pronto and download the patch.
Score another one for Dis place is da bomb!

Amazing amount on knowledge on this board, huh? Good job, zone_ahead.
Happened to me last night, too. What a bitch. I had to spend what little time I get for recording fixing that stupid crap.
mbuster said:
Happened to me last night, too. What a bitch. I had to spend what little time I get for recording fixing that stupid crap.

Same here :( I was planning on spending the night working on a track that I just started. I hopped online to try to find a sitar sample and within seconds the first error appeared. I sat there for a couple hours trying to download the patch before the auto-shut down would kick in and reboot. It wasn't too easy on a dial-up but I finally got it.

I'm glad you got it figured out Bob. Can't keep a man from his Sonar ;)
Fortunately, I was able to download the patch before anything happened. That thing is hitting a lot of people.
McAfee v4284 DAT and higher are required to remove the Blaster Worm.

The McAfee site also has an explanation of how to manually remove the service and registry entry. This worm is a plague on the corporate world (again) and is causing no end of problems with Microsoft clustering (again) and SQL servers (again).

I'm seeing a client this afternoon to remove the worm from their business machine.
zone_ahead said:
Same here :( I was planning on spending the night working on a track that I just started. I hopped online to try to find a sitar sample and within seconds the first error appeared. I sat there for a couple hours trying to download the patch before the auto-shut down would kick in and reboot. It wasn't too easy on a dial-up but I finally got it.

I'm glad you got it figured out Bob. Can't keep a man from his Sonar ;)

Here's a way to get around the auto-shutdown/ reboot thing, in case anyone else reads this before getting smacked with this worm (if you haven't been hit yet, make sure you've gotten the patch from windows update).
First, hit control alt delete to bring up the task manager. Check processes for MSBlast.exe or Teekids.exe (the brand new variation of the blaster/lovesan worm). If you find either one, end the process, and go get your security update. Also, there is now a Blaster removal tool available HERE . This shouild get rid of the first version,and it's easier than manually deleting all the files and registry keys it created (which is what I had to do) . I'm sure a tool for the newest variation will show up in the next day or two. If not sooner. Hopefully this saves some poor bastard from sacrificing his limited recording time to fight some dickhead's idea of a good joke.
One other thing worth mentioning. The Microsoft site states that this worm does not affect Windows Millenium, and therefore you don't need to get the patch. I presume this is true for Win98 as well, although it isn't explicitly listed as being either affected or unaffected.

Seems it effects the OS's built around the NT kernel (NT, 2K and XP). Progress, huh?
dachay2tnr said:
Progress, huh?

Okay, there's is a problem with WinXP. There where thousands with Win 95, 98 and ME. Windows 3.11 is the best version ever! :D
moskus said:

Okay, there's is a problem with WinXP. There where thousands with Win 95, 98 and ME. Windows 3.11 is the best version ever! :D
Actually it was DOS. Cute little green text on black background. Intuitive commands like xcopy, cd.., and dir. Man, those were the days. :D
dachay2tnr said:
Actually it was DOS. Cute little green text on black background. Intuitive commands like xcopy, cd.., and dir. Man, those were the days. :D
Long live WinDOS! :D
Im feeling a right smug bastard, with my win98 O/S:eek: Dachay, you are right, it does not affect win 98:) Its about the only time I can think of that its better to have 98 instead of 2000/XP;)

BTW, our huge worldwide network where I work is riddled with the virus too. Hardly any work got done on Wednesday trying to get it fixed:(

Not funny:mad: