Relative fidelity of a Tascam CD-RW4U

minimal me

New member
Will my CD recorder be able to capture the benefits of a good preamp?

I have a pair of of MXL 2003s. I'm thinking of replacing my 4-track Behringer Euro mixer with with something like a FMR RNP-RNC combo, which would then go straight into the Tascam onto CD-R.

How much of the improvement from a good preamp would the Tascam be able to realize? Is the point where my signal goes digital a strength or a weakness in this path?

Or (terminology be damned), what I really WANT to ask is, how good are the 'heads' on my CD recorder?
The "heads" you refer to would be the analog to digital converters and they should be quite good. Probably nothing like the Lynx two audio card or Apogee interface but somewhere on par with TASCAM's harddisk recorders.

Yes, any recording medium will benefit from a clean gain stage, even cassette recordings will sound better with a nice preamp like the FMR RNP.