Red River Rock!!


New member
Hi everyone,
I made this cover of the famous 50s tune "Red River Rock". It was recorded in a rush, so every wrong note you will discover has been played by purpose.. ;-)
The whole lead guitar (melody, solos) is improvised, so don't expect anything great. But anyways, this forum is about mixing and not composition, so I guess that doesn't matter.
I also know that the lead is slightly out of tune, yea I need new strings.

I'm a recording newbie, so I'd like to get any input you can share. It sounds pretty good to me, but I've read that songs that sound fine on one system don't necessarily sound like that on another system. All input is welcome!

(Right-click and Save as..)
I must say, this was difficult to listen to because of the out of tune/old strings on your guitar.
But, the mix sounded ok, and the playing was also ok.
Please re do it with new, tunesdstrings and re-post.