Recording Yoga. help!


New member
I really should have bought a clip on mic for this I think. I have a yoga instructor coming in tomorrow early (so no time to get new stuff) who wants to run through her routine and record it for an instructional CD.

The options I am thinking about are
1) place one or maybe 2 omni mics in different places to cover the broad range of places she will be in (i know, ill be careful about phase issues, I might just switch off between the mics in the mix.
2) Follow here with a mic on a boom. But this might be uncomfortable for both parties (though she is pretty hot).

Another problem is that i have a big enough vocal booth 6x8 but as soon as you get away from the mike it doesn't sound good. and if i dont use the booth I have to deal with street noise, and i expecting to have to crank the gain cause she wants to capture breaths and everthing. Copression will be a must on this one.

Any suggestions please. I have a number of dynamic mics but 57s would be the smallest and a pair of C414's for omnis.
Have her go through the routine as normal. Don't worry too much about the mics, just enough to get sound to stick to tape.

Then go back and record her in the vocal booth, having her match the timing of the playback of the session in headphones. Use that booth recording as the actual print.

It'll sound better than even a clip on because she won't be comvoluting her diaphraghm nine ways to Sunday while she's talking and you can go back and punch in as you please.

SouthSIDE Glen said:
Have her go through the routine as normal. Don't worry too much about the mics, just enough to get sound to stick to tape.

Then go back and record her in the vocal booth, having her match the timing of the playback of the session in headphones. Use that booth recording as the actual print.

It'll sound better than even a clip on because she won't be comvoluting her diaphraghm nine ways to Sunday while she's talking and you can go back and punch in as you please.


This is a good idea but she really wants it to sound like she is doing the routine to capture the breathing etc and she doesn't feel like she could do it just standing in front of a mic.

Anyways the session got moved to next week so i had time to experiment and the single omni in the booth cranked up worked pretty well actually. I might have to make a few adjustments throughout the session but thats no problem.

Thanks for the help guys.