Recording with two computers

Yeah, actually I don't see what the need would be actually. Maybe something new I have not heard of?
I get a better latency with my Echo 2 audio interface on my laptop, but most my gears are connected to my PC cause I got more USB ports there (EX: NI Maschine, AXIOM 49 controller)..all my Waves plugin are on my PC also...but somehow, when it comes to recording from a mic, I get better performance off my laptop. I use Cubase 7 so I have to use a USB licence key so with two PC is annoying to use only one DAW at the time also. So I have to find a solution.
Could you not just get a USB hub for the laptop?
Installing waves on the laptop isn't a big deal. Just log in to your account and download the appropriate installer.

Either that or just work out why there's a latency issue on the desktop.
Fixing that latency problem would be amazing but I already spent at least 50 hours trying to fix it...tried different drivers, ASIO and buffer settings, chip set driver updates, windows settings for best performance, I cant see anything else to try. My pc and I7 with 16g ram, sshd and I thing the mother board is the problem (Gigabit). I'm very disappointed in this investment, ECHO controller was 330$ and PC was 1000$ all new stuff. Good thing it works ok on my laptop!

Can't run midi in a usb hub.. Also installing the waves plugs in not a big deal, but switching license from one PC to an other all the time is not very pleasant.

I would like to use my laptop just for recording vocals and the pc for all the rest because its more powerfull.
I don't know what the exact problem is because I'm not there to examine it, but believe me, there is a better solution than what you are attempting. Fix the latency problem!
Rewire is suppose to be used for that purpose, but I've never tried it.

For just vocals, why don't you transfer audio files back and forth? Probably easier than getting Rewire functional.

For the latency problem, disconnect all your other USB devices except the Echo. Also, does the Echo have direct monitoring? If so, you should go that route when recording vocals and not even worry about latency.
And I'm not being a smart-ass! There is no way with the gear you described that you should be having a latency problem. There is a logical solution to your problem. You just have to find it. There are ways to do what you are attempting, but why not just go ahead(since you've already invested alot of time) and fix the problem?
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I am going to go out on a tangent here. It may be one of your plugins that is causing the issue. Is any of your software UN-authorized? Meaning 'cracked'?
And I'm not being a smart-ass! There is no way with the gear you described that you should be having a latency problem. There is a logical solution to your problem. You just have to find it. There are ways to do what you are attempting, but why not just go ahead(since you've already invested alot of time) and fix the problem?

The only solution I believe is changing the motherboard would fix the problem. I'm an IT professional and I can't see anything else to do. Really tried everything I can think of, even spoke with the ECHO people.

Chili, I tried unplugging all other USB devices and I tried it on every individual USB port but that didn't fix it. I use direct monitoring yes but I still get cracks and pops or latency. But transferring the audio files is probably the best work around so far I agree and I have network attached storage.
I am going to go out on a tangent here. It may be one of your plugins that is causing the issue. Is any of your software UN-authorized? Meaning 'cracked'?

Everything is registered and there are only recording software on the PC. If you know where to find cracked sw please let me know cause I could handle a few more VST synth :)
If you know where to find cracked sw please let me know cause I could handle a few more VST synth :)

I'm sure that's a joke, but tread carefully with discussing stolen software (or anything else). Theft of any kind isn't appreciated here.

About the latency problem; you get glitches on the recorded track?? Even while using Direct Monitoring. That's weird. What are you buffer settings?
Hi, I would like to use two computers for recording. I have Cubase 7 on one computer. Both computer are networked. Would Rewire do the job?

Thanks in advance!

I think you are asking for trouble. Tracking on a DAW is never a almost good idea. Use the DAW/Computer for mixing/mastering because when it crashes and all DAWS crash (some more catastrophically than others) you will still have the capture. By the time you upgrade with the right sound card, drivers and interfaces, you can get a decent hard drive recorder.

Here's what a lot of people are doing. Mixcraft Sucks: Hardware Multitracker vs DAW

Here is an interesting review and op ed regarding computer recording. Mixcraft Sucks: Why do all DAW's suck?

People have been recording on computers since before Windows 95 and some people think it's gotten worse. On the other hand if you like solving software/hardware conflicts, workarounds, crashes, freezes,, resolving plug in conflicts, looking for answers all day, and otherwise playing computer engineer then record on a computer but if you are serious about musical composition then you will be much happier keeping the computer out of the loop until the DAW and interface sellers and developers get their shit together. Don't hold your breath waiting for that. :facepalm:
I think you are asking for trouble. Tracking on a DAW is never a almost good idea. Use the DAW/Computer for mixing/mastering because when it crashes and all DAWS crash (some more catastrophically than others) you will still have the capture. By the time you upgrade with the right sound card, drivers and interfaces, you can get a decent hard drive recorder.

Here's what a lot of people are doing. Mixcraft Sucks: Hardware Multitracker vs DAW

Here is an interesting review and op ed regarding computer recording. Mixcraft Sucks: Why do all DAW's suck?

People have been recording on computers since before Windows 95 and some people think it's gotten worse. On the other hand if you like solving software/hardware conflicts, workarounds, crashes, freezes,, resolving plug in conflicts, looking for answers all day, and otherwise playing computer engineer then record on a computer but if you are serious about musical composition then you will be much happier keeping the computer out of the loop until the DAW and interface sellers and developers get their shit together. Don't hold your breath waiting for that. :facepalm:

Screw you man.
Screw you man.

My my my aren't you a class act. Maybe you should sick to grouting tile Jimmy.

Why is this sort of crap allowed here?

BTW, I agree with Mr Objective, DAWs are suck and recording on a computer a a recipe for disaster. Maybe someday things will improve but currently they are suck.
I am going to go out on a tangent here. It may be one of your plugins that is causing the issue. Is any of your software UN-authorized? Meaning 'cracked'?

Are you calling this guy a thief? Maybe this sort of conduct is acceptable in Colorado USA among stone masons and tile setters but it should not be tolerated on a forum.
Ok gentleman, this conversation has gone in a direction that is completely negative, and has deteriorated into mud-slinging. Everyone take a break, cool down, and drop the personal attacks. You're all better than this!
DAW's are a fact, not a theory. They are not going away, and many of us get amazing results out them without crashes, etc. Computers are not going away so the best thing for anyone to do is to take advantage them!
To the OP: I am baffled! You seem to have more knowledge about all things digital than I. I half way know how to do what you are requesting, but it's only with REAPER. What DAW are you using?
Right you are, Xplosive. Rewire is the correct tool to record or use processors on another computer. The OP should have success doing that if he can figure out how to do it.

Back to the latency problems, I'll ask again....

you get glitches on the recorded track?? Even while using Direct Monitoring. That's weird. What are you buffer settings?