recording with ACID


New member
I recently picked up ACID 2.0 on Amazon, and I love the interface, but I'm having trouble recording the final mix to a wave file. I can play the mix back, and everything sounds great, then I go to record it, and I hardly hear anything. When the file is done, I open it up with SoundForge, and there's basically a straight line, almost no sound at all. Weird, eh? I only have a 233MHz CPU with 64RAM, but it seems to be within requirements.
Doesn't that give you an option to save everything as a single wav file? Doing it that way should get what you want, and you wouldn't have to record anything at all. It's been a while since I used Acid, so I might be thinking about another Sonic Foundry application.
there should be two different places that you can mix to a wave file....the first one is FILE --->RENDER AS
and the other one is....I have no idea....I'll reply again if I find it
Hello, mjhigg. :)

OK, you have to SOLO all the TRACKS you want to mixdown.

goto EDIT,


Acid will open the the new "mixed down " track at the bottom (of all the tracks displayed).

Then, you highlight the wave (the new track),

go to your PROPERTIES TAB (next to the EXPLORER TAB),

then press your AUDIO EDITOR BUTTON (your AUDIO EDITOR button is located on the TRACK TAB in the lower left-hand window).

So, now you should be OK, if not write me back. :)


Thanks, folks. I was able to do it just by going to "save as", and then scrolling to "wave". Check out this bonehead move... I thought that you had to hit the record button to mix down to a wave file. So I was hitting that, and ending up with a wave file that was basically dead air, and wondering what the problem was with my stupid computer! I gotta get a manual for this thing before I go posting anything else!