Recording Vocals


New member
when i record rap vocals at arouns -15 dbs it sounds good louad and clear but when i play it it sounds lower and i dont want to turn it up too much beacuse it might clip,..../.....can some one please help!
A compressor does what it is. Compresses sounds, basically making the lower volumes sound louder, and the higher parts of the sample sound lower, so that they are more ummm uniformed. I don't feel like explaining it all tonight :D but you should be ok for now, when your mixing everything down to the main mix, it should sound louder.
you should use a compressor regardless. I use it on the recording chain, then again once I mix it down & again when it enters the mastering stage. Personally, I don't like any USB mixers, because of lag
since this is a vocal thread, I was wondering how much of a difference a Pop filter for an MXL 990 mike makes. I'm interested in recording vocal and acoustic stuff. I have the mike, and was wondering what anyone thought?
\/\/1|_|_ said:
since this is a vocal thread, I was wondering how much of a difference a Pop filter for an MXL 990 mike makes. I'm interested in recording vocal and acoustic stuff. I have the mike, and was wondering what anyone thought?

a pop filter will get rid of plosives

like words with B's and P's and so on


you wont hear the pops
the pop filter wont really a difference in quality wise. Like said, it'll just minimize the plosives. I just upgraded from the MXL 990 to the AKG 200 perception. wish I had the money to get some real good gear..

BTW You should be mixing at 75-85dB anyways. Don't try to turn up your mix if your volume of your monitors are sitting low anyways. Otherwise your mix will be too loud later on.

The MXL 990 just sucks on recording rap n e ways
what bit rate are you recording at, you should not need a compressor for gain staging, a compressor is to even out dynamics.

If you aren't recording at 24 bit, that is your next step- in your other thread I reccomended a new interface, definatelyt look for that, your soundcard is probably crapping up your signal.

I used to record 16 bit and life got so much better with 24 bit, it essetnially raises the headroom (max dynamic range) so you can record a stronger signal without digital clip, and makes it less a question of precision and more about what sounds good.

Mindset said:
you should use a compressor regardless. I use it on the recording chain, then again once I mix it down & again when it enters the mastering stage. Personally, I don't like any USB mixers, because of lag

I disagree that one should automatically use some sort of dynamic processing. Use it if you need to fix something or if it's an effect you're looking for, but there's no need to use a compressor to tame peaks. Just don't record so damn hot to begin with.