Recording vocals, in a refrigerator box


New member
Anyone mini booth from a refrigerator box? It looks possible.

Just looking for a good vocal recording tip.

I have been getting strong vocals using an A B stereo mic ing, with large and small diameter condensers. Is stereo micing where its at?
It may work....but with the refrigerator in the box, you in the refrigerator, and the door closed.
Anyone mini booth from a refrigerator box? It looks possible.

Just looking for a good vocal recording tip.

I have been getting strong vocals using an A B stereo mic ing, with large and small diameter condensers. Is stereo micing where its at?
Forget the box. Just get inside a refrigerator and close the door. You'll get great isolation. :D
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Hey it worked for Spongebob and Patrick.
Even homeless guys don't sing in boxes when it rains. Not sure this has anything to do with the ridiculous question, but here it is...

This is why I only date homeless women. You can drop them off anywhere.
Tough crowd here this weekend! To the OP - read around the forum here, small vocal 'booths' are not the answer to good sounding vocals.
(oh the irony)

Not at all. There's a history behind this. Dude got banned recently and now he's back.

Or did you mean you don't like cucumbers and doughnuts?

Doughnuts - yes, just had one! Cucumbers - no, the seeds give me (more) gas!

Didn't know the guy's history, shows 137 posts already. Figured he was just a clueless newbie.