Recording Vinyl via usb soundcard to Ableton


New member
Hi all

I have been trying to record vinly direct from my 1210 via my soundcard straight into Ableton... it works but its flat. i have to use the eq to boost the base but when i do it obviously messes with how the track was mastered and i loose its original fidelity.

Has anyone got any tips for what i guess is preamping it so it sound full.

I have a mixer but its very much dead... so that options not avaliable to me.

Than ks in advanced

Yes, pre amp into AI is what you need but I have had some experience here having copied over 100 sides pf punk for my daughter so she could have them on CD.

As you might expect many of the 45s were very scratched and cruddy and so I recorded at 24bits and kept levels WAY down, neg 25 iirc. This meant clicks and plops mostly did not hit 0dBFS (may not have mattered but seemed a good idea at the time!)

Once I had a batch "in the can" I imported them into Sony Soundforge demo which has an excellent click and hiss reducer in it. The demo is free for a month and I got it all done for free (well! Dad was not getting paid was he?)

1210's definitely need a phono preamp - or go into soundcard via your DJ mixer (which should have 2 minimum).
I got lucky the only good thing about my cheap ass TT is that it has a preamp built in!
If you want to replicate RIAA EQ in your DAW, this is worth a look at. Lack of it may be the reason why your recordings from vinyl sound flat.

Digital RIAA Equalization

Much depends I think on the level of fidelity you wish to achieve and the genre you are duping?

For the highest level of quality, i.e lowest noise, distortion and 0.1dB accurate EQ you will I think need a dedicated pre amp and a bloody good one at that!

Design of such a pre amp is not trivial, in many ways more demanding than a good mic amp. Look up Douglas Self's discourse in Small Signal Audio Amplifiers.

If, as I was you are only copying scratched punk? No worries!

Just looked in Audacity and it has an RIAA preset in the EQ effect. Perhaps Ableton has a similar preset in there somewhere.
Worth saying that if you have an old hifi amp in the cupboard (like I do) they usually have a phono input with RIAA filter. If you do have on you can just feed your turntable into that and the record out to you audio interface.
Worth saying that if you have an old hifi amp in the cupboard (like I do) they usually have a phono input with RIAA filter. If you do have on you can just feed your turntable into that and the record out to you audio interface.

This is what I do, the amp I have has an excellent turntable preamp and I just record the "TAPE OUT" via the interface, using the tape out bypasses all the tone and volume controls in the amp as the signal is direct from the turntable pre.
