Recording two tracks with two mics at once (Cubase)


New member
Hello! I'm trying to record my amp to Cubase using two mics at the same time, but I want it to be recorded to two separate tracks so I can mix them later. When I arm two audio tracks at the same time and record, it just records the same thing to both.
What I'm doing is nothing special, I usually just plug the mic to the computer soundcard. I've plugged one mic in the front of my computer, and one to the back of the computer, because well, thats how many mic ports I have. What I'm getting IS the desired mixed signal, but it records it to both tracks.
At VST connections, I have two mono in's set, and I have only those two sound card mono in's available.

So please, does anyone know how to set this up :D?
Have you routed input 1 to the first track and input 2 to the second track in the inspector?

Cheers L)
The computer may have both mic inputs wired to the same input circuit of the sound card. Get an Audio Interface with 2 mic preamps/inputs. You'll thank yourself quickly for the improvement in sound quality.
Well what I've done (in inspector and edit channel settings) is the following: I've set Mono In (Soundmax Digital Audio 1) to the first track as input, and Mono In2 (Soundmax Digital Audio 2) to the second track as input. When I set one of them to "No bus", I'm still getting the mixed signal on the other one.
I thought to myself that that could be the deal here, and it probably is, because there's no other logical explanation to me :D