Recording Studio For Songwriters


New member

I'm a songwriter up in Canada. I have been rolling the idea of being a business owner. I would love to set up a studio specifically designed to provide services to songwriters and solo artists. Such as : demo's, scratch tracks, composition, full LP's (Radio Ready) possibly even get into finding publishing deals for songwriters which i just got out of. At first it doesn't seem completely feasable, however, if marketed right and with the use of session musicians I think I could easily cater to songwriters. I'm not even concerned with the initial operating capitol needed for such an endeavor. And I have my own idea's for an acoustic studio. That's the least of my concern. Basically what I'm asking is not everyone is into home recording, I do it just to write new material. I record EVERYTHING...from bass lines to piano to guitar to vocals. however, i still use pro studios(and engineers). Any suggestions to this plan would be extremely helpful. And i mean ANY...this little bean is in its infancy!Thanks!

Dave E.