Recording Space


New member
Hi recording newbie interested in building a recording studio.

I often see home recording studios that seem to have their computer within their recording space (i.e. the room itself). Wouldn't the sound of the computer get picked up by the mic(s)?? Or is there something I'm not catching?!?

Would appreciate input on this..
Hey Jagg,

If you search around, there are lots of discussions on this. This definitely can be a problem but there are some ways around it.

The easiers (and cheapest) way is to get the computer out of the room. If you can, stick it in a closet or something and grab some cord extensions for the monitor, keyboard, mouse, sound card, etc. I think the best way is to perceive to problem of computer noise before building/buying a computer. There are many really quiet fans and PSUs that are available and will drastically cut down your computer noise. Check out for discussions on this.

Another option if the first two aren't plausible is to build some kind of isolation box for your computer. I've seen simple designs consisting of an MDF box lined with rigid fiberglass. Usually there will be a door on the front to access the drives and power button, and a door on the back for plugging stuff in. With this, problems arise regarding air flow and ventilation.

Usually people take the mic to some other room or closet near by so computer noises wont really get picked up. You can run xlr wires to any length so the wise thing is to turn one of the closets in to a booth or build a complete isolation chamber for the computer.
You can get fanless power supplies, fanless CPU coolers, and quiet (around 17dB) fans to cut down on the noise coming from your computer.
There are plenty of passive methods to cool a PC.

Even with quiet fans, you can get below 25dB, which isn't even audible within a couple feet.

Or just get a Mac... that's silent.

Computer noise should be the least of your worries. Your computer shouldn't be making that much noise in the first place.