Recording soundfonts to track / Sonar


New member
Hey all,

What is the best way to bounce my soundfont midi tracks to audio tracks with the effects applied to them? I know I can export each track as individual .wav files and them bring them back in by importing. Is there an easier way to do this? Say by just recording them to another track within the song? I can't seem to find a way to do this.

Thanks in advance
I wasn't aware that you could export midi/soundfont tracks to a wave file, it must be a new feature in Sonar (still using version 8)
You definately can record your midi/soundfont tracks as audio tracks, just take the output from your soundfont device, and send it to the input of your recording device. Mute all of the tracks you don't want recorded, arm the new track, and record in real time.

I think I'd rather do it the way you proposed though, seems to me it would be easier.
virtual synth

if you have it, you could set an audio track with the VSC DX (virtual DX synth) effect and set the output of your midi track to the VSC synth.

One you apply the synth as an effect on a blank audio track, you automagically gain another device you can output to as far as MIDI goes.

This will basically 'bounce' your midi tracks into the audio track flawlessly.

Does this make sense?
It's what I do with the session drummer.