Recording School


New member
My name is Trent Hays and I am 19. I have recently been accepted to The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences in Tempe, AZ. I will probably start in May of 2001. Does anyone have any feedback on this school or any other schools that compare? Any feedback would be extremely useful.

I dont know anything about that school but I have ran across a site for a school that I would love to go to.

[copied from the site]
The digital revolution has impacted the recording industry significantly over the past decade. Today, world-class music is being produced in studios of all sizes-from small rooms to major production facilities, thanks to the use of new technology. Music Tech students learn about the range of equipment and facilities both in the classroom and the studios. Music Tech offers the latest in MIDI and Digital technology, including 5:1 surround sound and Sony and SSL Automated Consoles. You'll also learn about other aspects of recording engineering-from recording theory and studio protocol to the politics of the music business. You'll have open lab time to practice your skills working on your own independent projects. And because all of Music Tech's instructors have been working engineers themselves, you'll learn about the day-to-day realities of the music business from people who know it inside and out.
recording school

recording schools are good for learning, and thats it. Dont expect to get a job or anything when you graduate. They may give you a cirtificate or whatever, but the only thing that will get you a good job is experiance. You usually start as a studio bitch, and maybe after six months theyll let you touch a council. I dont know from experiance, but ive heared alot because I almost went into that field. Personally, I think its better as a hobby. But dont let me scare you, I was too much of a coward to try it myself