Recording MIDI (Axiom) playing in FruityLoops into Cool Edit 2.1


New member
I record on Cool Edit 2.1 and make beats on Fruity Loops. What I'd like to be able to do is playback on Cool Edit while recording real time instruments on my MIDI keyboard (Axiom-25) that plays through FruityLoops but records to a track on Cool Edit.

Note: I've been able to do this with a turntable and other keyboard instruments in the past.

Any help would be great. Thanks
Gee, I thought Cool Edit 2 didn't record MIDI. I checked what it said it the Help, did you? Didn't say much, did it...
I think he wants to play back backing track in CEP, then play midi keyboard hooked to FL where he borrows the sound and record that sound in CEP as audio.
This method sounds like totally overkill for something what should be a simple task to do but if it's possible he might check out his routing on the rewire.
I'm not familiar with FL so I’ll stop here but if I remember good that’s not a sequencer end it’s very limited for what you can do when it comes to recording.