Recording medium?


New member
I currently do all my recording on a computer - but I am pretty sure that I am going to be premanently separated from my computer in about two or three months (long story.)

At the moment, I don't really want to plunk down $1000 + to get another decent computer for recording, so I was wondering what I should use as a recording format when the time comes.

Here are my stats:

- Behringer MX802 (probably going to spring for a Soundcraft FX 8 soon) for a mixer

- Oktava 319, SM58, Superlux PRA268, and 2 homemade "tapeop" small condenser mics.

- I'm also going to get a Studio Projects VTB-1 preamp soon, as well as some sort of monitor.

As far as recording machines - here is what I am looking for:

1. Portability, weighs less than 20 lbs. (also sturdy.)
2. 8 separate tracks for recording (and 4 or more simultaneously)
3. Low operating noise
4. Wide frequency i.e. (pref 20 - 20,000 Hz.)
5. Doesn't require too much maintenance.
6. Costs $350 or less
7. Is made out of solid gold.

I don't really want a workstation as I already have a mixer.

So, any suggestions for machine/ recording format for a novice recorder who is losing his current recording medium?

...problem with not wanting a workstation is that your 802a doesn't have direct outs. At best, you could only record 4 tracks at a time unless you have a different mixer or a workstation.

With a different mixer you could pick up something like a Fostex R8 reel-to-reel for fairly cheap, but I'd recommend getting a digital workstation. Much, much less hassle.
Thanks for your replies.

After doing a little more research - an ADAT sounds just about perfect for my needs. (I would love a reel-to-reel, but I just don't trust myself to take care of it well enough.)

Do you know the difference between models of ADAT recorders, or where I could look up specs on that?

And if anybody else has suggestions for recording media that I have overlooked, let me know, I'm not going to buy this for probably 3 months or so, so any ideas or research I can get in before hand is awesome.


The older ones, refered to as "Blackface ADATs" are 16 bit/ 44.1 or 48k recorders. The newer ones are LX-20 and the XT-20. These are 20 bit units, still 44.1 or 48k. The difference between the LX and the XT are the XT version has a beefier housing and transport and it has +4 balanced ins and outs on an ELCO connector. All of the ADATs have digital ins and outs on ADAT optical connectors.