Recording levels


New member
Hey Everyone,
Thanks again for the information and great forums. I've been home recording seriously for almost year now so I'm still a newb so here goes my Newb question. When I'm recording my guitar tracks I have my amp mic'd up at around 4 on my amp and my mic going into my pre-amp into my recording software on my pc. Here's my question, what would you recommend your input level be? For example my track in Cubase is at 0 is that the best level? For example If I lower it to -6 db and crank my amp louder and add a little more gain to the pre-amp will it never go beyond -6 db for that track? What levels are a good guideline? I know this is a basic question but for some reason I keep thinking that if I just keep all my inputs ay -6db and record everything like that it will make it easier for me to never worry about clipping the sound. Now I know there is alot more to this in regards to singing louder at certain parts or playing harder on the guitar etc, but keeping all my inputs at a level of say -6 db seems to be a better solution than keeping everything at 0 and going that route. Forgive the basic question but for some reason this has always been something I never got a clear answer for. Thanks again you are all awesome. Also, if this is in the wrong place please excuse and I'll move it.
You should be tracking at -18 to -12dB You can always make the mix louder in mixing, you can't get back headroom, or remove clipping after it happens.
One way to track lower is turn your monitors up louder than you're be comfortable. Then track to a comfortable level. Not much above -18 when using external hardware. I often record at -24 the only down side is not getting a big cool looking waveform.