Recording issue with Tascam and SM57


New member
Hey everybody. I received a Tascam US800 audio interface and SM57 microphone for Christmas today :) Extremely thankful, praise God! So far I really like them, but I seem to be experiencing some issues with recording. I know that the audio coming in from the SM57 is going to the tascam, because when I plug headphones into the phones jack I can hear my voice, but when I record using the Cubase Le 5 (included with Tascam interface) the audio coming in seems to be coming from the laptop, not the microphone. I have the laptop hooked up to the Tascam via the USB and the SM57 hooked up to the Tascam properly with an XLR cable... Am I missing something?

Thanks! And Merry Christmas :)
In Cubase, Devices>Device Setup..>VST Audio System>from the ASIO drop down menu, select your US 800.

Windows OS? Control Panel>Sound>select US 800 as default for speakers (Playback), Line In (Recording), and disable all system 'Sounds' while you are in there. :D

And Merry Christmas to you man!
Hey Jimmy! Thanks a ton, everything now working wonderfully. You not only solved the problem I had, but a problem I didn't know I had :)
Thank again Jimmy! I plan on uploading a little recording once I get everything else working. Unfortunately I've seem to run into a few more issues. The first is just the fact that everything I record it being saved, not just the audio files I'm saving myself.. is this supposed to happen? Is there any way to stop it from happening? My other problem is just that when I tried to export a file it tells me that there isn't enough space on disk to save, but there is well over enough space on my C drive to store it. What do you think I could be doing wrong?
I'm not sure I understand what you are asking......

When you save your project in Cubase, it saves everything you have done. Settings, automation, etc, are stored as a CPR file. The folder that you create when you open a project, holds all of the audio and images. The Audio is in the project 'Pool' no matter which CPR file is controlling it.

What type of file are you trying to export?
What I mean with the file issue is this: when I'm just playing around with recording and I record something I don't like, I delete it, but the file itself is not deleted.

I'm attempting to export a .wav file
Files remain in the pool of a project unless you physically delete it from the pool. Part of the non destructive nature of Cubase.

I'm not sure what the problem is with your export. Where are you directing the save? Maybe try changing the destination path near the top of the export screen.
Ok, and I've got the exporting to work, but when I begin to encode a window comes up saying "Until Tuesday January 24th, 2012 you will have 17 Remaining encodings." Why do you think that is?
That would be MP3 then. Cubase LE only comes with a demo of the MP3 encoder. You can either export as a wav and use one of many free MP3 encoders, or download the Steinberg one that works within Cubase here. $16.