Recording in my bedroom


New member
Okay, I know this has been asked so many times, but like others, Im going to be recording in my bedroom. Its in a basement with heavily insulated (sounds almost soundproofed) walls and ceilings. It has a laminate flooring (similar to hardwood, but cheaper) and has an area carpet in it. Also, my guitar isnt amazing, but its pretty good (meaning I dont need amazing mics to pick up the full sounds).

Ill be recording loud vocals and loud acoustic guitar. Not so much screaming, but very loud belting of vocals and hard strumming.

I just got the prices for SP B1 and SM 57, and theyre about the same from where Im getting them. Im buying two, so I can either put both mics to a guitar or voice, or one on each (depending on what I feel like). So the only question is:

Condenser or dynamic? (SP B1 x 2 or Shure SM 57 x 2)
Condenser AND dynamic (SP B1 and Shure SM 57)

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :)
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None of the above:

SP B1 for vocal and then a SDC condenser for acoustic guitar.