Recording in a College Dorm Room


New member
Has anyone else out there had any experience with recording in a dorm room situation? I'm just wondering if anyone has any insight on how they tackled troubles like sound isolation, not being able to make any modifications to the room whatsoever, dealing with a roommate, etc. I'm pretty much limited to whatever sound I can generate on my compuer and strictly D/I instrumental recording. The use mics at all is pretty much out of the question because no matter what there is always some kind of background noise. Be it my roommate, my direct neighbors, or just kids with a newfound sense of freedom streaking down the halls at all ungodly hours.

Anyone ever had to deal with this far less than ideal recording environment?
Go to the music department and talk with an instructor. They music dept should have some practice rooms or some quite studio space. Be nice, friendly and happy and they might just give you what you need.
I often recorded at some of the student lounges in the older buildings (where hardly anyone ever hung out).

Got some decent recordings there too.

Velvet Elvis
Do you go to school at a college or a library? Up until 10 or 11pm I see nothing wrong with cranking up an amp and doing some recording. You should just wait until your roommate is gone and then do what you need to do. People in college who complain about noise dont belong there.
People in college who complain about noise dont belong there.

Hahahahahaha.....puuuu lease.... I bet you think people shouldn't study in college either.....:rolleyes: ....what planet are you living on? I know YOUR planet. I bet you own the road too....
Rhythmschism said:
I'm just wondering if anyone has any insight on how they tackled troubles like sound isolation, not being able to make any modifications to the room whatsoever, dealing with a roommate, etc.



move into a private house/apartment


Graduate, and THEN move to a private house/apartment

Heheh, yeah well moving out is definitely something I'm hoping for soon, but won't happen this year. Just getting ansy to try new things and get frustrated when I'm not able to do because my roommate is watching an MTV reality show or some other mindless garbage. And the making of the noise isn't really a problem, its more the keeping the noise out of the reach of my mic. Maybe I'll go do some sessions in some acoustically viable bathroom at like 3 in the morning some time. Thanks for the advice guys.
I believe John Mayer recorded his first album (Inside Wants Out) in his dorm room. I think it was on before he was as popular as he is now, that the notes of one of his songs mentioned a thankyou to his RAs or whatever for not getting him in trouble. Anyway, they are great recordings if you're not familiar.
My band in college recorded our first demo in the main lounge/meeting room of our dorm. A lot of times these spaces are open for reservation and you can just book time. They also had a crappy PA and some crappy mics, which in addition to our crappy mics, 4 track and lack of experience made for a pretty crappy recording. We actually practiced in a storage space in the dorm that was incredibly hot, so we would open the windows to get some air. Then they kicked us out for bothering everyone. It was actually pretty funny to hear people yelling at us to shut up in between songs. The dorm I lived in also had practice rooms in the basement for piano, etc. After they kicked us out of the storage space, we would take the piano from one of the practice rooms out into the hallway and cram a 5 piece band in there! But if its just you it wouldn't be so bad - maybe you can find one of these practice rooms around campus - ours were pretty well isolated.
Hah yeah I have "practice rooms" in my dorm. The problem is I'm really not mobile because I use my Desktop PC for recording and moving that for sessions would be a pretty major ordeal. Although, it may not be as bad as moving and setting up a drumset as I have been accustomed to for the pat 6 years. Perhaps if I get ansy enough I'll try moving into one of these spaces now and then, thanks.