recording guitar techniques

Yeah... I actually recorded with my amp during the scratch tracking... and on a few songs, the scratch tracks were so cool that I kept the parts in.

Those were a couple of solos and some clean parts and maybe a distorted part here or there.... so they made up about 10% of all the parts I tracked.

The rest of the guitars (the other 90%) were allllll tracked through a Digitech Genesis, direct into a mackie 24x8 console.

I've found the Digitech to be more "real" sounding than the Pod... although it takes some tweaking to get it there.

I'm not totally satisfied with the sounds, but all in all it turned out pretty decent.

I used a PRS Hollowbody I, a Fender JD telecaster, a Fender '69 Thinline, a Gibson '54 Les Paul, a Gibson Les Paul Deluxe and a Tonesmith custom for the parts.

As I mentioned, I'd rather use an amp... but in this situation we had to move locations during the recording, so I lost my ability to mic up loud amps... recording with the amps turned to lower volumes wasn't yielding the sound I wanted, so I borrowed the Digitech from a local store... by the time the project was done I had purchased the unit because it worked so well.

Velvet Elvis