recording guitar direct help


New member
Hi. Just wondering if I can use a mic preamp and effect pedal if recording direct? (no amp)

Like, would the signal chain be..

Guitar -> effect pedal -> mic preamp -> mixer

Guitar -> mic preamp -> effect pedal -> mixer

Guitar -> effect pedal -> mixer
(is the effect pedal a pre amp?)

What kind of effect pedal are you talking about? Some kind of digital multi-effect/modeling deal or some analog stompbox? Most stompbox type effects won't sound too great plugged straight in, but you could give it a try.
Generally speaking, an effects pedal would not take the place of a pre-amp.
Also generally speaking, you need something with an instrument level input (which your mic pre may have) and in that case an effects pedal would just be added into the chain into your pre-amp because it is operating at instrument level as well.
OK. Thanks for the info. I was looking to borrow a friends Boss metal zone effect pedal. He also has an Ibanez overdrive TS9. So, choice b should give me the best results?
Bassmusic808 said:
OK. Thanks for the info. I was looking to borrow a friends Boss metal zone effect pedal. He also has an Ibanez overdrive TS9. So, choice b should give me the best results?

No, actually if your pre-amp has an instrument level input - you would use choice "A". An effect pedal works at instrument level, not after the pre-amp.
Hmm, it's going to sound crappy a, b, or c. Stompboxes like the metal zone and Tubescreamer are all voiced to sound good in front of a (tube) amp. Otherwise, direct they sound very thin and fizzy. It's worth a shot, but I don't think you'll really like the results. Of the three, I would do a). If you can get your hands on a POD or equivalent simulator that's designed to record direct then you go guitar>POD>mixer.