Recording from the DI Speaker Emulated on my JCM2000


New member
Last week I bought my Marshall JCM2000 DSL401. That thing just made my day, week, month, and possibly year. :D

Anyway, I tried recording from the DI Speaker Emulated output on the back, just to see how it would sound with this amp (it sounds mediocre in most amps). Surprisingly it sounds phenomenal from this amp BUT the signal is somehow messed up. Like it's clipping occasionally, with this buzzing crackling sounds coming through a lot.

I tried recording with the Master Volume down to 1, (and even below, so the speaker on the amp wouldn't even produce any sound at all), and the Gain in my Overdrive channel about halfway, and the Volume on that channel at about 3 o'clock. And the sound would be fucked up no matter what.

I'm recording into my iMac through a Presonus Inspire audio interface (with a pre-amp on each line-in), with the pre-amp gain for this input at around 9 o'clock.

Anyone got any ideas about any fix? Would be much appreciated!
Errr, ...yeah. I tried recording into the phono inputs on the back this weekend, with the amp blasting away with the master volume at 12 o'clock, because basically those were the only inputs left when the XLR inputs were used for the drumkit. No problems at all here!

Should I feel ashamed for having tried to record into the inputs on the front? :rolleyes:
FWIW, I was REALLY impressed by the emulated out on my old TSL100. Evidently they lifted it from the 6100 Anniversary series...