Recording Bass


New member
Any suggestions about recording bass?
I would prefer to go straight in . . . is this cool?
do you put effects on bass guitar or just clean?

i figure add some compression, just not sure about reverb and such

Yea, DI is a popular approach. If you like the sound of the strings hitting the frets, then mic up the bass in addition to DIing it and mix the two signals together.

As for effects, they're there for just that: effect. If you feel you need something, add it. It's up to your taste and your creativity.

HINT: Compression is usually added, but not much else, unless you're looking for a sound that's really "out there".
This may be a dumb question. But.. If your interface has an "instrument in" (M-Audio Firewire 410)... Can a DI box add something to my capabilities?
I also recommend sansamp. It's much better than a pod or anything really, besides a miked bass amp. With the sansamp your signal with have some life in it, just going straight into your 410 wont give you the same warmth and flexibility as with the sansamp.

thanks for the feedback

i think i will do direct with some compression

maybe a crazy flanger just to scare people

funny since we are all acoustic!
ninjakyle said:
maybe a crazy flanger just to scare people


I was thinking the exact same thing whilst reading the thread

FLANGER + WAH :cool: Oh yeah that'd be out there.
ninjakyle said:
thanks for the feedback

i think i will do direct with some compression

maybe a crazy flanger just to scare people

funny since we are all acoustic!

You might want to consider holding off on the compression until mixdown. If you record with compression (or any other FX), then you are stuck with it. If you record clean and dry, you can add FX later and experiment with different settings. Sometimes what sounds great standalone doesn't work well in the mix.