Recording Acoustic/Electric


New member
I am recording a Acoustic guitar that has had a pickup added to it (did not come with one orignally). Do I need to get a special preamp so that I can record it direct to my four track or can I just use my tube mp? If I need something different what should I get? What should I look for?
The Tube MP works as a direct box. I've used mine for that purpose before. Not too bad, but I still mixed in a mic signal. The Sansamp Acoustic DI is the best DI for acoustic I've used. For steel string, I still mix in some mic signal though. For my nylon string, I get a better tone with the Acoustic DI than I can with my mic.
I've got to say that in my experience, a mic on the guitar beats the sound of any transducer or pick-up. You could add a little of the pick-up sound to give it more punch (or less room, if you're in a bad room) ; but a good mic well placed always wins for sheer sound quality. If for some reason (i.e. you have no good mics) this isn't practical for you, just ignore the above.

How about the Presonus Acousti-Q? Couldn't I run the pickup through that, then run a mic though it as well. Your supposed to be able to "blend" the two signals together with it. I think I'm going to go somewhere at try and hear it. Thanks for the info.

Any money you spend to record this acoustic guitar should be spent on a microphone. Acoustics recorded direct are horrible in my opinion. Buy THE BEST CONDENSOR YOU CAN AFFORD...I think Nady makes a fifty dollar large diaphram that I hear sounds pretty good for the price. Once I even had to mic an acoustic guitar at a recorded jam session with a cheap radio shack dynamic mic and the sound wasnt too bad...I know some like the sound of a mic blended with some of the direct sound from a DI box. Im not a big fan but some engineers use it...
Hope that helps.
The Octava and Marshall mics are not really available used in Europe (that I have found anyway).

Does anyone have suggestions of similar priced LDs that are common to Europe??

I guess AKG, but they are not really in the same price range.