Recording a Cello

Cool, glad it's all sorted. let us know how it it turns out and if you have anymore questions i'm sure everyone on this board will be glad to help :)
All the audio and all midi can run through the new interface. As a matter of fact my studio computer does not even have a standard sound card and no speakers, everything is through the interface.

Let us know how it all goes.

I record my and other cellos from time to time. If you want to suss some out try Gimli's Lament, Silent Waltz or Whisper at my soundclick or Ytub accounts in the links below.

The Whisper one also has an effected cello for a spacey vibe.They were all recorded with cheapish mics - a Shure 57 being the most expensive but not necessarily best. Some of the recordings I like best were done with a tiny little ECM19b (SDC) that was popular for bootlegging gigs in the 70's. I also have had nice results with a Behringer C1 (LDC).

I have a piezo pickup on my cello just so I have other options. It's attached to the bridge but I've read lately that a better result comes from putting it on the top as that's what generates the signature sound. I'll have to experiment. Sometimes when I want lots of attack I use a blend of the piezo and another mic.

Finally have a read through the specs of mics on the Naiant website. They have great gear at a great price - very specific details about range etc AND some brilliant matched pairs can be had for stereo as well as excellent preamps.

What you do need is a clean sound so your preamp is going to be as important as your mic.

Stereo is a good option you can get some bow sounds mixed with the body, could mic close to the bridge and another getting tone from the wood of the body, one 60cm back & another in close. LOTS of options.
One close up & another a meter or more back to get the "room" sound is alos quite cool.
Hey guys,

sorry to ressurect an old thread. I got the Scarlett 8i6 and Nt1000 sitting here in front of me, I've been messing with 'em for a couple weeks now. Boy they are FANTASTIC. I've already had a lot of cool opportunities to record everything from poetry slams, to a celtic harpist to a pakistani rock band (and of course my cello) and this setup has just come across crystal clear and beautiful every single time. Thank you so much! I also just found an old barcus berry of mine, so I'm going to experiment with mixing it with the microphone.

Tata for now,

cool man, glad it all worked out. it's really nice to hear back from the OP on these kinda threads to find out what happened :)
Glad to be of service, happy recording.

Mixing the barcus berry in with the mic can work out, probably less so if you are doing classical music but more so if playing on something within a group, folk, rock, etc. Its similar to when I record double bass, I record the pick up to 1 track and the mic to another, then when mixing I blend the 2 and fine sometimes the pickup can ad a bit more presence or clarity to the notes, sometimes not (no rules). Don't forget to check the phase relationship between the mic and the pickup.
