Recorded track records to new track GT Pro 3


New member
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm sure I just need to check a box somewhere but this program is new to me.
My problem is this, I have a guitar track I wish to monitor while I record a vocal to a new track. The guitar track records to the new track along with the vocal.
No good. I have searched the program for the solution but no luck. I also did a search here, maybe I'm not using the right search terms but again, no luck. Using an Audiophile 2496.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I wish Maudio would upgrade that control panel. Even if they would just make it a little bigger so you did not have to schroll back and forth it would be a a major improvement. Also perhaps when using mulitiple cards having having mulitple control panels where you could have both open on a second monitor.
You probably don't have any probs just using a audiophile by itself though.