

New member
Using GT2, when recording, I can hear the already recorded tracks playing back just fine. But I can barely hear the track I'm trying to record. I've checked all volume controls, everything is turned up.
Am I missing something? Using a cheap onboard soundcard for now but it is full duplex. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

In GT2 do you get to see the waves displayed? That woud be a way to tell if the record level was good.
I don't know about it in GT2, but in SONAR, you can listen while playing using the Input Monitoring. Check in Options --> Input Monitoring...
Mix, I can get my levels no problem. It's just that when i hit Record, the volume of the track I'm recording is far lower than the already recorded tracks that I'm monitoring. I can hear the recorded tracks but I can barely here what I'm playing, although I can hear it somewhat.
If you are listening to the recorded tracks through the program's 'Input monitor' (?) or back through a mixer, either way, try turning the old tracks down in GT2 at their faders, then adjust your monitor back up to get a blend.
Unless there's something else going on with you'r routing...?