record midi as wav in adobe audition

stevey j

New member
i want to be able to record my softsynth as a .wav in adobe audition live as i play it just as i would record vocals in it but without having to play my synth through an amp and record it that way. how would i do this? is that what rewire is? are there multitrack recorders that are like adobe audition but support vsti's too? any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
i don't want midi though, i want to record the sound that the synth makes as a wav as i play it. if that makes sense. as if i was recording it live through an amp, but without having to actually do so . or is this not possible ?
can anyone actually help? is there a way to record the audio of my softsynth that i hear live? i don't want to have to record it as midi, export it to wav, import it in audition, and line it up every time i want to record a synth. anyone???
Audition (1.5) supports ReWire. If you have Reason then you can record WAV files from Reason, but I'm not sure if you have Reason.

This is why I switched from Adobe Audition to Reaper. ;)
i have fl studio. i've tried rewire but for some reason when i use the program through rewire i get like a 1 second delay between when i push the keyboard and hear a sound.... and i don't get that delay when i normally use the program. plus when i then close the client the audio i recorded in adobe audition disappears.
It is possible in audition too.
Insert your midi to your first track. Then record it to the second track.
You must make some adjustmenst on your audio card first.
Just tell her to make a loop and send your output signal to input.
What card do you have?
i didn't understand what you just said.. inserting midi sounds like it would be against what i want to do because i want to skip midi entirely if possible. i just want to record the sounds from my synths directly as audio in audition . please explain better. thanks.
OK I did not read all posts so converting MIDIs to WAv was not issue here.
Tell me what synth do you have....
Is it just midi controller or does it actually have it's audio outputs?
Anyway if you can play those sounds on your computer and hear them then you can record them using AA 2,0.
It is most depending of audio card mostly how do you do that but even cheap SB Live can do that.
i'm using an m audio mobile pre usb soundcard. i use a bunch of different free synths and synths that came with fl studio . it's a midi controller only. how would i record the sounds i hear?
stevey j said:
i don't want to have to record it as midi, export it to wav, import it in audition, and line it up every time i want to record a synth. anyone???
You just described the way I always do my synth tracks except that I never need to line it up. When I import my earlier exported wav it's always lined up perfectly. It is obvious that you don't do everything correctly.
I see you don't want to use midis but I just have to say you should.
I see you tried rewiring and got latency problem which is common for that kind of process when you are using VST instruments for midi.
So rewiring is not option for you either. Hm
I was thinking you could loop your outputs to input but you would record everything that way not only synth sound.
I am running out for options.
I was in your shoes not long time ago refusing to know anything about midi.
Then I gave it a chance and I admitted to myself that I was wrong.
i have nothing against midi, that's just not what i want to do. i just want to simply record the sounds of the synth as audio. just like i would record a bass, or guitar, or vocals. but i guess there's no way to do such a simple thing. unless people just don't know how or don't want to share it with me. i could probablably use 2 different computers... or 2 different soundcards. but that would be more hassel and would defeat my goal of simplicity. *sigh*
stevey j said:
i have nothing against midi, that's just not what i want to do. i just want to simply record the sounds of the synth as audio. just like i would record a bass, or guitar, or vocals. but i guess there's no way to do such a simple thing. unless people just don't know how or don't want to share it with me. i could probablably use 2 different computers... or 2 different soundcards. but that would be more hassel and would defeat my goal of simplicity. *sigh*

It's extremely easy, but not in Adobe Audition. Sometimes you just have to accept the limits of whatever you're using, in this case, Adobe Audition. I'm sure it's possible with ReWire or some other audio routing settings, but wouldn't it be much nicer just to add a track, add your VST instrument, and record it as audio?

Give Reaper a try. $40, you can't go wrong. And you have as much time as you'd like to try it fully functional.

It's extremely simple to use MIDI and record it as either MIDI or audio. Don't want to try and sound like I'm pushing Reaper on you but it will make things so much easier.
ok i downloaded the 30 day demo or whatever, how do i use my vsti's with it and record them?

the thing is i really like auditions recording and editing and i'm very used to the program so i would prefer not to switch. fl studio i could live without but im used to that too. it just seems like there would be a way to do what i want to do because it seems like such a simple basic task that many audio recorders would want to do.
ah nevermind i figured most of it out .. a little more confusing at first. now how can i record the synths as audio instead of midi ? so far i still like the audio editing of audition better than reaper but i could give that up for songs where i use softsynths if i could record them as audio with reaper. how?
nevermind again haha. i just figured that out too. just change it to record output. my only thing left is i can't play the instruments that i would use sometimes in fl studio such as sytrus, boobass, etc. is there a way to do this? if not it's not a huge deal but i would like to be able to.
aghh now i can get my fl studio synths to work via rewire, which strangely doesn't have any latency in reaper .. but does have latency with audition. :s

is there a way to use the fl studio synths in reaper without using rewire though?