Recommendations for upgrades/additional gear

Mods: Did not get notice of John's reply #20 above. Did not even go into spam box this time.

"Also, have you subscribed to instant or daily?" Don't know, can't seem to see anything about 'subscription. in My Profile?

Jimmy don't doth....

No clue even what that means, but I'm quite sure I don't. :)

Well, it's from the Stratford Bard (not sure which play. My son knows them all. Bores the ***t out of me!) "The LADY doth protest....."

It MEANS when people go on and on a lot that they don't care it indicates that they really do....Ok! Joshin' with ya Jim! Just being a patronizing old fart!

Know exactly what you're talking about. Clean sound is great but you want sizzle,pop,etc . And then you say wow that 's what i want. After tinkering with stock plug ins( studio one ), purchasing other vst's i've come close to the sound i want. Nothing like a good f*** take to sound good . And that's at home and anywhere
I'm sorry but what is it with people constantly buzzing over the sm7b.
Probably the same thing that is with people constantly buzzing about the u87. :) i.e. they're both really good mics.......but they're also really hyped mics, and there's never a shortage of sheeple who will buy them (or anything else) because it's the cool/popular/hyped/etc thing to buy. So in the same way you apply a skeptical eye to that, I suggest you do also to compressors, the u87, the so-and-so did this therefore I should, etc.