Recommend a good harddrive for recording

That is absolutely not true. It's no less easy to backup audio from the C drive than any other. :mad:

That being asserted, keeping the C drive clear of extraneous work while running apps is a no-brainer.

My point was that if you keep your data on a separate drive (or at least a separate partition), your files are in one place, organized logically, instead of scattered all over the drive like they tended to get back when I ran Mac OS 9. :D

If you're doing manual backups, having all your scratch disks, etc. all be on a single drive with the real audio (but without tens of thousands of system files) means that you A. don't have to go hunting for all those frozen tracks, etc. when it comes time to back things up, and B. don't have to somehow exclude all those system files.

That's not saying you can't keep things organized on your system drive where it is just as easy to back things up. However, when your data is on a separate drive, it is virtually impossible for things to get into any state other than such an organized state.... :) That was my point.... If you're the disorganized type, keeping it on a separate drive guarantees that things are easy to back up, while not doing so can lead to it being a pain in the backside.