Recomendations for Cubase 7 Artist? Computer? Processor?


New member
OK, ready to take the plunge.... time to dump the XP box and Cubase Artist 5.....
Time for a new computer and Cubase 7 Artist. Just doing some jazz instrumentals.
I have the recomendations from Steinburg.... what have you all found that works the best. AMD or Intel? How fast do i need to go? Just trying to get the most bang for the buck. Would like to stay in the $500 - $600 range. Could go Mac mini but....
john :guitar:
For recording pure audio, you're good with most any contemporary computer. If you will be using sample based VSTi's, then more ram helps a lot. If you think you'll use a lot of plugs on each channel, then a faster cpu will help.

Intel or AMD should not make a difference, though there might be. Honestly, I always buy Intel.

best bang for the buck would not include any Apple products.

Just my thoughts.
BTW: I home build all my computers.