Reccomend speakers set for me :-)


New member
Can anybody reccomend a good 5.1 speaker set for me, am looking to spend no more than £100 ( i know its not much but im broke after buying other equipment :-) ) I dont know much about speaker, but i would need one where the rear speakers have long wires, (probably about 3-4 metres) do they come with long wires or not? Any reccomendations would be appreciated and where you can buy them from !
I did a quick search of your posts on here. Why are you wanting to use a 5.1 speaker set? What are you recording and what are your end goals? Even very few top line pro studios are actually mixing 5.1 (with, movie, commmercial scoring is different). They may own the system, but stereo is still where the money is.

PS speakers don't come with the wire.
