Reason newbie questions


New member
My music partner has used CuBase for a few years...but I would like to get Reason...we have a few questions

Question #1: can Reason export projects to Cubase?.......instead of exporting individual tracks...

Question #2: can Reason recognize the computer audio line-in jack as a valid input source for recording?

We would like to use my Boss BR 1660 recorder as an audio some money hopefully..
Reason can record audio and export it - so can cubase. However, they cannot read the programme specific file types, so in Cubase, for example, you would have to load in the audio files and then tweak them there. You can't just save a simple file and import it into the other one. If your music partner is adept at Cubase, I'd shell out the dosh for that - it's what my music partner and I do. Anything else is just a faff!