Reason and Cubase


New member
Ive recorded my whole song in Cubase, and now I want to add strings. I want to do it as if I have a mic hooked up to the violin, and its going in as an audio track instead of MIDI from Reason.

How do I do this?

(I want to make Reason and Cubase work together)
Its called REWIRE, and it ROCKS!

Look it up in the help files in Cubase, it's a pretty useful resource.

Basically all you have to do is open cubase, enable rewire, then open reason, a bit of signal routing and some hocus pokus and your set.
Sounds to me like you want to record Reason as a .wav file? It can be done, but it's a lot easier recording Reason as MIDI data, then converting it to a .wav using Cubase's Export.

Turn on Rewire. Then open Reason. Set up your violin patch. Are you using the NN-XT as your sampler? Go back to Cubase. Right click in the track area and select "Add MIDI track". Set the MIDI track to the NN-XT (on the track you just created, it's the 3rd black pull down box).

Noe set that track to "record" and "monitor" and you should hear your violin. Record your track. Solo it and export it as a wav. file.

(Phew! I think that's it. If you're using a crack, disregard everything I just said. Now shower me with little green chicklets! :D I'm feeling like a rep-point whore tonight. :D :D )