Reason 3.0 Metronome Click


New member
hey guys...does anyone know if there is a way to pan the metronome click in Reason left or right? I can't figure out a way to send it to the mixer, or even if it's possible. Here's my goal...(live setting) I'm trying to find a solution so that I can send the click to our monitors and not get it in the house (send click left and the rest right mono)'s obviously possible cause bands do it all the time, but I'm just starting to get into it. And I know...I can just use like a rim shot or something and let it be my click, but it seems to be off just a hair. Last resort I guess. How do the big boys do it? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have Reason 3.0, or have ever used it... BUT...

Are you using any tracks, loops or sequences in your live performance? If
NOT and your just using the metronome you just send it to the monitors

IF you are using tracks or loops, add in another track like you said
of rim shots. Have your loop go to the LEFT and your click track(of rim shots)
goto the RIGHT, use two channels on the mixer one for the monitor click
track(Right) and the other(Left) for the loop. I can't see how the rim
shot would be off timing with the track or loop(unless thats the way it
was programmed).

Hope that helps, Or I maybe way off on what you are asking...
I have Reason and do not believe you can make the click left or right, but no problem. Simply select any of the cool drum loops, my favorite are the Electronic samples, and record them to track 1, panned hard left. (or right if that works better). The tempo of the recorded track is only set in stone until you change it at the bottom of the screen. Song 1 can be set at 120, during the applause change tempo to 80 and play song 2, your ballad.

If your band has to have a click and not a sample, use a drum package and select beats 1,2,3 and 4. Have beat 1 strong and 2, 3, and 4 softer using any of the instruments, bass drum, snare, whatever you like.

Hope this helps.

Yeah I had thought of that too, I was just wondering if you could send the click to the Reason mixer. Just seems like that would be a little quicker and easier, but no big deal. Thanks for the info :)