REAPER v3.1 - Better, Stronger, Faster


New member
REAPER v3.1 was released today. Here's the changelog: said:
Changes: Better, stronger, faster.

* Actions: toggle show master tempo envelope
* Actions: faster actions to explode audio by channel, much faster actions to explode MIDI by channel or pitch
* Actions: separate actions to jump to previous/next beat/measure vs moving edit cursor only
* Actions: fixed occasional disappearing key shortcut
* Automation: fixed possible crash when deleting FX envelope
* Automation: shift+ctrl+drag locks envelope point move to either horizontal or vertical (like in MIDI editor)
* Bounce: display in transport displays bounced length
* Editing: fixed bug when moving items across hidden tracks
* GUI: significant CPU optimizations when drawing time selection, antialiased peaks, fades, envelopes, filled envelopes
* GUI: dim track I/O button when master/parent send disabled (themeable using track_io_dis and mcp_io_dis)
* GUI: fixed bug in HSV blend mode
* GUI: fixed edge line drawing for time/loop selections when decoupled
* GUI: fixed filled envelope clipping bug
* GUI: separate theme elements for fade quiet zone and fade area color fill
* JS: updated Liteon FX
* Media explorer: checkbox for starting media preview on the bar while project is playing back
* Media explorer: fixed context menu on Vista/Win7
* Media explorer: show preview graphics for MIDI items
* Metronome: fixed output selection menu
* MIDI editor: event filter stays on top, can be toggled on/off
* MIDI editor: CC lane dropdowns show which message types are currently in use
* MIDI editor: inserting notes in drum modes uses smaller of grid size or 32nd notes
* MIDI editor: view preference to always display note velocity
* MIDI editor: action to move edit cursor to play cursor
* MIDI editor: action to set selected note lengths to grid size
* MIDI editor: better paste-extends-source behavior when using unlooped items
* MIDI editor: no loop end marker for unlooped MIDI items
* MIDI editor: fixed clipboard leak in certain paste actions
* MIDI editor: fixed screen redraws/flashes when selecting notes in list view
* MIDI editor: action to import lyric events from text file
* MIDI editor: better display of text/sysex event editing vs adding, better copy-drag behavior
* MIDI editor: clicking empty space in the lane deselects text/sysex events
* MIDI editor: fixed copy/paste of text/sysex events in list editor
* MIDI editor: fixed file-based MIDI item text/sysex event undo/redo
* MIDI editor: fixed memory leak when deleting text/sysex events in list editor
* MIDI editor: fixed step sequencer note entry when inline editor is open
* MIDI editor: fixed text event editing on OS X
* MIDI editor: fixed text event hit testing in certain instances
* MIDI inline editor: actions dialog can now run actions
* MIDI: don't create a new MIDI item when punch recording if there is already a suitable item to record into
* MIDI: fixed overdub recording when extending source and record pdc disabled
* MIDI: record overdub/replace modes with record PDC disabled now compensated for track PDC
* OSX: default to Cocoa UI for AU plug-ins that support it
* OSX: fixed manually editing JS parameter values
* Peaks/waveforms: recording items are drawn more smoothly and consistently, update faster by default (configurable)
* Playback: preserve PDC delayed monitoring now compensates for both track and master/parent PDC
* Project: fixed project template being inserted when opening existing project in new tab
* Project: setting maximum project length prevents zooming out much past that length
* ReaEQ: more regular grid lines
* ReaFIR: more regular grid lines
* ReaVerb, ReaSamplomatic: now multi-project aware (for save-as with media)
* ReaSamplomatic: fixed noise bug with zero release time
* Recording: fixed recording pre-roll sample rounding problem
* Render: fixed render dialog peaks display when certain stem options set
* Render: more helpful error message if target directory does not exist
* Render: saving project to RPP via render dialog now adds project to recent list
* Render: Shup button sends to user default upload target
* Screensets: better multiproject track view support
* Screensets: screenset window now updates on save-project action
* Shutdown: cancelling save while Windows is shutting down cancels system shutdown
* Shutdown: more stable sequence with undo history open
* Solo: fixed glitches when unsoloing with routing and PDC
* Spaghetti cormorant
* TCP/Mixer: create sends by dragging IO button to another track
* TCP/Mixer: alt+click on IO button toggles master/parent send
* TCP: bulk mute/solo by dragging mute/solo button to another track
* Tempo envelope: snap points to grid when adding and snapping enabled
* VST: faster startup scan of plug-ins that have not changed
* VST: more efficient automation for new envelopes or envelopes with square point shape
* VST: correct return value for audioMasterAutomate

Yes, for example you can have Reaper v2 and Reaper v3 installed in separate folders. There will be some theme issues when switching back and forth between programs though. If you're using a v2 theme everything should be fine though.

Also, 3.101 is out (bugfix)
In all honesty, Reaper definitely compares to the "big boys" in the DAW market.

Most of it's users have actually switched from Sonar, Cubase, Logic, Pro Tools, etc.. (I'm an ex-sonar man, myself)

I think you'll be completely happy with the switch from Audacity to Reaper. :)
In all honesty, Reaper definitely compares to the "big boys" in the DAW market.

Most of it's users have actually switched from Sonar, Cubase, Logic, Pro Tools, etc.. (I'm an ex-sonar man, myself)

I think you'll be completely happy with the switch from Audacity to Reaper. :)

Thanks for the post. I hate to convert my stuff with audacity because the conversion sounds like crap.
I can't imagine anyone switching from Logic to Reaper... I've tried Reaper a few times but it's not the DAW that Logic is. I'm sure lots of folks are using it cause it's cheap (actually able to be used without paying anything) but Logic Studio 9 is DA BOMB! I use Logic and occasionally Cubase 4 but really never cared for Reaper. Any Mac Users out there who have "switched" chime in!
Yeah I heard Logic 9 is pretty amazing. The Logic users may not have "switched" but are probably using Reaper on their PCs. My post was just reporting what I've read over the past year or so in the Reaper forums.

Also, v3.102 is out: said:
•3.102: OSX: Fixed MIDI explode by channel and pitch
•3.102: OSX: Fixed scroll during track moving
•3.102: Fixed issue with projects that reference missing .mid files
•3.102: Fixed bugs relating to ghost midi clips
•3.102: Fixed junk characters in some pan law dialogs
•3.102: Added some missing default theme elements
•3.102: Record PDC disabled track option now compensates for audio buffer size
•3.102: Solo and SiF now work better with MIDI sends (unsoloed MIDI sends are not sent at all)
•3.102: Allow 23.976 framerate for sync
I can't imagine anyone switching from Logic to Reaper... I've tried Reaper a few times but it's not the DAW that Logic is. I'm sure lots of folks are using it cause it's cheap (actually able to be used without paying anything) but Logic Studio 9 is DA BOMB! I use Logic and occasionally Cubase 4 but really never cared for Reaper. Any Mac Users out there who have "switched" chime in!

It's not that it's not the DAW that Logic is, it's simply not the DAW for you. Some of us use it because it's completely perfect for what we do, not because it's "cheap."

DAWs today are pretty comparable when it comes to features, and we all know that all DAWs sound the same from the countless null tests that have been done.

Really, it all comes down to the workflow and how the user's brain is wired. Use what's comfortable for YOU. Price doesn't always determine quality.

I don't care if reaper was free or cost $500 I love it and will pay what ever i need to work happy.

I spent $1200 on Pro-Tools and sold it shortly after for $800

I've used magix, cubase, vegas, traction, sonar(trial), reaper and pro-tools.

Reaper just makes sense to me and enables me to work very fast and accomplish what ever i can think about doing with the audio. Pro-Tools was very bothersome and made me feel like i was writing a computer program
and not mixing audio. On the other-hand some may love the way Pro-Tools works.
I never recorded in the analog world, but i have ran live sound before and reaper feels closer to a real mixer to me than any other daw i have used.
I use Reason for actual composition making but I needed something else(plugin compatible) for actual mixing/final production.
I was using Sonar 7 when I decided to try Sonar is just gathering dust on my desktop and I'd never go back. Reaper just does everything I want it to and more. It's the most user friendly interface I've ever come across, it's support is second to none and it's cheap. Now that doesn't make me a poverty stricken cheap skate, it makes me wise, resourceful and good with my money. ;)
I've been playing with Reaper for a little while and finally spent the $60 for the license and haven't regretted it. I was using the likes of Sound Forge 4.5 (yes I know, very dated) and Cakewalk Home Studio (yet another oldie). I find Reaper to be very logical in it's layout and functions. Most of the stuff I've discovered by accident, but it made sense when I thought about it afterwards.;)