Reaper on USB stick


So I was reading Reaper's manual (yes...some people still read the manuals) and I learned that I can install Reaper on my USB stick and take it anywhere.

Well that's just great. Something else to keep me from working at work...................:eek::D
Well, the thing I suggested you would only do because it's fun.

You might put Reaper on a USB mostly for the portability. It allows you to bring your copy of reaper with you wherever you go, including your license, preferences, plugins, theme, etc.
seriously? Even my ezdrummer? But wouldn't i have to have ezdrummer installed on the same USB Drive. I'd basically have to think of the USB drive as a computer in and of itself and have EVERYTHING installed on that?

Weird. I don't get computers.
Yeah, you'd probably have to install everything that you want access to on the USB. And I suppose anything that doesn't require registry keys would be feasible.