really need help on this one :/


New member

The toughest part of this mix is I never listen to this type of music, so it's kind of hard for me to get a sound that they like. At first I didn't want to trigger any drums but i ended up triggering the kick and snare. This sounds pretty decent to me, but how does it sound to you guys? any suggestions? I feel like maybe its not all "glued" together and cohesive sounding??
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I don't know this genre well either, but I thought that snare was really flabby sounding. The guitars are a little fizzy and distant sounding. Not sure the vocal should go in and out of the Cookie Monster effect. seems strange to go back and forth. Not sure that's the best vocal performance either.

I think you might have ridden the fader on the bass a little hard during its solo in the middle. It almost seems to disappear after that.
Guitars need a lo-cut and mid boost. The bass is farty sounding. I found that a low mid frequency distortion works well with this type of music. The singer/screamer/hard-core-speaker is not good. Ehh I guess you can't do anything about performance. The snare is a bit ringy... It's not a bad mix, but it needs some more time spent on it.
Your guitars sound like they were recorded in a very badly treated room. Sounds like crap at the beginning of the song, but when everything comes in, it actually fits quite a bit better. The singer needs to learn how to scream. Drums have a few timing issues, but generally sound good. Vocals need more treatment. Sounds too natural. Bass has very little body, too. Probably a result of the "room" mentioned previously.

Listening to remix now.

Hmmm.... This one.... Wow... Guitars sound worse to my ears. Snare has definitely changed, but I didn't mind the previous one. Super different sounding. Yeah... I think I liked the previous one better.
at the start,first 15 seconds, the timing between drums and guitars is really slack, kinda spoils it for me
The drum timing might be making this seem a little loose. The lead vocals in the verse need to be pushed back - too out front - not sure if the volume is too high or not compressed enough... The rhythms too low and it's lost behind the drums. I think the capture is good but mix just needs to be tweaked. It's probably the most open mix I've heard for metal - which is a good thing for listening but doesn't fit the genre (shame really). Send my kudos to the band I think they did a great job...
The drum timing might be making this seem a little loose. The lead vocals in the verse need to be pushed back - too out front - not sure if the volume is too high or not compressed enough... The rhythms too low and it's lost behind the drums. I think the capture is good but mix just needs to be tweaked. It's probably the most open mix I've heard for metal - which is a good thing for listening but doesn't fit the genre (shame really). Send my kudos to the band I think they did a great job...

Yes thats exactly what I was thinking but couldnt put into words.. How do I get this to sound less like that? More compression?