REAL quick answer needed re phantom power


New member
I just got a phantom power large diaphragm condenser mic dirt cheap from ebay, but the phantom power mixer I also ordered hasn't arrived yet. Is it possible to test if this thing works without phantom power? I currently run straight into an analog 4 track, or straight into a PA 'keyboard' amp, and it doesn't supply phantom. Is there any way to test if it works or do I just have to wait for the mixer?

Without a pre amp with phantom power you can't test it, I assume its a real condenser not one of those gay usb ones...I have almost the same problem, I have a pre amp and have tested it, but can't use my reel to reel till my godamn mixer gets here.
Gotcha. Just gotta wait. God Bless the U.S. Mail... it may be while but it'll be here sooner or later. Thanks for the tip. Yeah its a real one... Marshal 2003... I don't mess with USB if I can help it I try to keep computers out of the equation as much as possible until final stage making an mp3 file out of it or something. All real hands on GEAR is the way I like to roll. Computers make life too complicated (plus I like a volume slider and a pan knob, not a mouse pad). Thanks again for your response.
I used to say to the kids I used to work with, "You've got no patience, that's why you'll never make a hospital !".
Many of them just looked blank. But some of them got it. And groaned......:D
Truth is, who likes waiting when you're hot to trot ? I sympathize but just think, you'll soon have your answer and you'll be making unique music like that bunch of stuff you posted a few weeks back.

Incidentally, there are some condensers that apparently work either on phantom or with a battery (a 1.5v one, I think, but don't quote me on that !) so it might be worth checking to see if yours is one that has a hidden battery lurking about it's person.