REAL DRUMS & Everything!


This was the final mix on a cover of "Mustang Sally" by the first band to come down and record at Buck62's home studio.

I was only able to find a spot that would make it available as a download however:

Everyone involved in the session had a blast....hopefully you'll agree it was worth checking!

Critique, questions and comments are welcome and encouraged.
wow, great song! :)

very nicely done and tight!

doesn't hear much effect in it, has a pretty "raw" sound... but then, that's how it's supposed to be right? :)

would like to hear how the whole song was done! :)
Yummy yummy.

Kudos to the band for attempting and pulling off a tune which most people associate with the "recent" Guy/Beck version.

Like most decent blues tunes, the rhythym is the key - great drums/bass in particular. And the singer was absolutely dead-on!

Interesting ending as well.
Really great job!! I especially loved the keyboard. Awesome vocals, guitar....well what can i say great performance by all. :cool:

Thanks to everyone for having a listen! These guys came to play that day and play they did!


I believe the only effect(s) used was some reverb on the guitar and vocal (it's been awhile). As far as the "raw sound"....yeah, that's the way everyone liked it....kind of like you're there with the band playin' live. There is a mastered version which is smoother but most everyone liked this version....seemed to have more punch.


We used an AKG C3000 overhead on the drums and three dynamic mics on the rest of the kit. We also isolated the guitarist's amp in the sound booth mic'd with a SM57. The bass amp was mic'd with a 57 also but was in the open along with the drums. We did what we could to isolate it with a partition. The guitarist's approach was one of "less is more"..... resulted in some really nice playing.


Totally agree about the rhythm....these guys had that down to a science. The guitar, bass and drums were recorded simultaneously....then the keyboard and harmonica simultaneously....then the vocal and finally the lead gutar.
The ending....well....when the keyboardist was playin' he was really into it and I don't think he realized the song had ended....anyway, we kept it ....sounded great....just one of those moments that you're glad was captured!


The keyboard player was a real character....very funny....maybe he actually did that end part on purpose....I'll probably never know for sure....anyway, the sound he got out of the Korg he was playin' sounded exactly like a Hammond through a Leslie...unbelievable low was a blast!

Thanks again for having a listen. All these guys were good in their own right and they played well together. It was really a fun time for everyone! was all done on an AKAI DPS16
First of all, thanx for all the positive comments and feedback! :)

Now, just to expand a little further on how this song was recorded...

Guitar: An old Fender Strat (single coil pick-ups) through a Fender Twin Reverb, mic'd with an SM57 in the sound booth.

Bass: Fender Precision bass through a Gallion-Krueger amp (I forget which model), mic'd with an SM57

Drums: Sonor 5-piece w/ percussion add-on's, mic'd with 3 SM57's and an AKG C3000 for the overhead.

Keyboards: Korg Trinity, lined straight in.

Harmonica: Hohner, mic'd with the AKG C3000 and run through a MIndPrint Envoice (preamp).... played in the home-made sound booth.

Vocals: ....also the AKG C3000 through the MindPrint.... very mild compression, as we didn't want to take the life out of his stellar voice. Sung in the sound booth.

Oh, and as MAC2 said.... it was recorded on an Akai DPS16, using Monster cables.

These guys were a blast to record with.... a great time was had by all!

The most impressive thing is that not one part of this song took more than 3 or 4 takes.... tops.

The vocals were done in one take... all the way through!

I wish our own stuff would be that easy! ;)

MAC2 will be posting more songs from some of the other bands we've recorded in the near future.

Thanx again, guys! :)
Like all the others said, great job -all around-, I was kinda looking for the Backup vocals, though "Ride Sally Ride....." But I don't blame anyone for not wanting to sing along with that guy, MAN can he sing!!!

played in the home-made sound booth.

Can you elaborate (or point me to a thread discussing) this home-made booth?

Sure, Queue... and thanx! ;)

Well, I built a vocal booth that's 6 foot by 4 foot by 7 feet high.
Most of the material was purchased at Home Depot.
I framed it out using 2"x4"s and these steel corner-bracket thingies for durability.... like a big rectangle.
I ran one extra 2"x4" on one of the sides (top to bottom) for a door frame.
Then I used 3/8" thick plywood as my walls, leaving an 18 inch high by (just under) 6 foot wide opening for the window on the front of the booth.
Inside the booth, I used heavy-duty adhesive to place my cut-to-fit 1-1/2 inch thick styrofoam sections against the plywood walls, which leveled out with those 2x4 frame sections.
On the side where the door is, I used two long piano-hinges to attach the 3/8" plywood door, which was framed out with more 2x4's, and also glued on the styrofoam to even it out.

I then used two layers of plexiglass (one on the inner part of the 2x4 that framed the window, and one on the outside), which I sealed in with weather stripping and used cut-to-fit wood-moulding to screw the windows in.... tight.

The styrofoam and wood were my first layers that blocked sound, but once I had the inside of the booth totally flat and even, I glued in Auralex 2" Wedge Studio-Foam with spray adhesive.

I attached a handle on the outside of the door and put a pull-strap on the inside to pull it closed when you go in.

Let me tell you, that room is DEAD!

The total cost was around $750, and it took me about 24 hours total-time to build.

Was it worth it?

Without a doubt! :)
Yep, it's the same as the walls.... plywood, styrofoam, then the Auralex.

Oh, and you're right about the singer.... he's an incredible performer.

BTW, we're glad you guys like the mix, since we always co-mix the songs we record.
Both MAC2 and I hear different things when we're mixing a song, but it's good to have a second set of ears to make sure it comes out just right. ;)
Dag Nabit. It takes about 15 minutes for me to download a song like your's on my 56k modem. I was on 99%, and my power went out for 1 second, all was lost, dag nabit. Had to do it again.

Very cool, that singer is the real thing, great harmonica, great sound. This is one of the best MP3s I have heard in this forum,without a doubt. My girlfriend and I are listening for the 4th time, this is killer shit, classical boy is getting off to this.

Very cool, I am actually pulling out my electric violin now and going to jam....

You guys should hear HUMP,

I wish you guys could hear this fuckin jam, I am typing 16 measures and playing 16, gotta run....
Excellent stuff, really great.

Thanx, dude.... much appreciated!
Here's some pics from two months ago when Teddie (SmartApple) visited us in Chicago and laid down the acoustic track for the song "Conformity".... which is also the title of his next CD.
You can see the booth in the background in picture #3, where Teddie's son Michael is playing bass. There's also a couple of pics of Teddie inside the booth, too.

Wow!! Thank you, sir! :)
These guys are the real deal, for sure.
When we were recording this, MAC2 and I just sat there smilin' and playing air-instruments (drums and guitar).
This was one of 3 songs they did for a quick demo.
I usually don't like cover songs, but this one has a killer groove, without a doubt.
I'm going to check out HUMP, as you suggested.
I listened to your MP3 late last night, but was too tired to type a comment... I'll get back there, too.

Thanx again.... and I'll let MAC2 jump back into this, since I've hogged the thread from him (no pun intended... be nice ;) ).
I Dug It.

First thing was the great quick intro.
Cool drum start there.
And whoever sang that has a great voice.
The guitar fills dodged in & out of the song nicely.
I'm trying to think of something I didn't like, but since I can't
I'll shut up now.

Good recording job there, Bucky!
