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I've read many views on building a sys yourself and find that when I priced everything the labour was included at most places. The only prob I have now is I saw a new ECS VIA C3 1ghz laptop with 4 usb ports for $1100 cdn. I have quotes from others for a celron pc 1ghz for $900, the only difference is the harddrive which in the celeron is 7200rpm and the laptop is 5400rpm. Now the space is different but it's really not an issue if I have a laptop.

My questions are: Has anyone used this new pc/laptop? Is usb ok to run soundcard & harddrive? Should I buy a hp intel 1ghz celeron for $1600.

The comp will be for audio only. Laptops are easy to move around
so that's a plus.

Thanks for the responses.

Please help I'm buying tomorrow.
That laptop hard drive is kinda slow for any serious audio work. USB is also kinda slow...unless it's USB 2.0, but that's not very likely. You also shouldn't get getting an HP computer either, despite the fact that $1,600 is way too much for a Celeron rig. HP uses lots of crap components and have their own custom version of the OS with lots of useless junk. Building your own computer would be the best thing, otherwise, from my own experiences, I can only recommend Dell for prebuilt computers.
Go with a PC rather than a laptop.

Laptops are cool for remote remote recording to be brought bak for processing on a PC, but IMHO a $200 portable is the answer for remote work.

The beats the laptop in terms of upgradability and flexabiliy in a huge way!
What soundcard are you using? Carefully choose your motherboard and other components now, or you will be swapping stuff out in no time.
Most likely I'll go with the Delta 66 Package. It's an Asus board, matrox dual display, maxtor 40g hdd 7200rpm, 256mgh ram.