dtb:...yep..bass is really really loud..lol...im still trying to reel in a good sound using this pre.....but thanks for the listen.
ped:..well it will at least sound more even hopefully..."curious" hehe like you watch an ambulance pull up to a car wreck.."curiously" watching to see what they bring out.!!
doug h:..are you talkin about the first chorus..where the vocal dissappears??...if you were heres the deal on that ....i was TRYING to just elude to the chorus on the first time through...but i really just didnt know how to accomplish that ..damnit...if its something OTHER than that ..well there were some phase cancelation issues i tried to clear up maybe i didnt??..you listen to this about 100 times and after a while i think i might just hear stuff that isnt there....
fresh ears:...hahahahah thanks ...its sooooo funny you mention that "break "...when it all stops except the one guitar (right before the really cool guitar part comes in)...thats TOTALLY by mistake...i was cropping a sour guitar note out ...and THATS how it ended up sounding...which i like
..one of the ONLY things i have ever liked about mixing really..lmao
mixmkr:...EXCELLENT idea about the last fading bass note...i need one of those spectrum analyzer things i think...yeahi hear you on the eq- thing..this is pretty majorly LOUD....hopefully i wont have to rely on my shitty bass sound here shortly..
heavy d4:...thanks ..im glad you dug i t...it has that .."man if you could just make a few changes this would really be cool " sound to it doesnt it??...lol...
gidge:...this IS a cover song....its the dixie chicks i think.....
OK OK I GET IT THE LOW END IS AWFUL jeeesus...sorry MR. OH LOOK HOW PERFECT MY BOTTOM END IS....lmao!..yeah uh...as soon as i have something i deem worthy of a "c.d" ill mail it off pronto!..ill check that vocal thats too low....
groucho:...ok thats a few who have mentioned the panning being left heavy...lol..damnit i should have listened more...sorry bout that im sure your right..and the cymbal thing ...see when i solo the track ..i dont hear it...i mean i did hear it when i was mixing...so i went back and checked but its not there...so it has to be something im doing compression or e-q or something...regardless i retracked the drums anyway (cause im the most analretentive person in the world)...
dafduc:...weelllllll apparently you and my wife think along the same lines...she said the SAME THING ..(bout the strapon)..
um drums could certainly be off a bit ..im not above having that happen...hopefully all thats cleared up witha retrack .
yeah that double time was a spur of the moment thing as i was recording the drums i think it works ...and YES THE BASS IS THE WORST BASS THAT EVER BASSED ON ANYTHING EVER RECORDED!..hehe see i dont even HAVE a bass so thats my guitar through a bass preset ..i know i know ...its just pathetic..
groove junkie:..hey what a cool post .thanks...vocals need a bit of work but they are close...again thanks for the thumbs up !!
fprod:..naa its just yelling...try it you can do it..anyone can yell...the GOOD singers can hit those notes without yelling...but thank you.....OR ...(lets just sit around and secretly hate the good singers)..want too????
thanks all ill be working on this more this weekend....hope none of your homes burnt down last night!!...we had a small brush fire up the street here ..damn kids!