rasps and hisses at the dance on Link


New member
I've recorded some tracks live to two-track on the Masterlink.
They are basically mellow vocals (EV 457B dynamic mic)
with electronic piano background(Casio WK 1800).

I route through a Behringer Virtualizer Pro, on to a Joe Meek VQ3 and on through a BBE 482 into the Link. (BTW: is this the correct routing of my signal?)

These tracks sound fine on my GK monitor and on my home CD system. But when the DJ plays them at the dance, I hear rasps and hisses in the vocal.
I've tried toning down the treble a littl via the EQ on the LInk and it doesn't seem to work.

Any suggestions?

Thanks much.....................Ted
Hard to say. You are running the input through a lot of processing. It could be coming from any of those things. Why not just record it raw into the masterlink, and do your processing later? Al

I'm not sure how I would do that, given the Link is not a multitrack.

I would need another recorder, no?

Have you tried incorporating the Hi/Lo pass filters on the Virtualizer!!??
The higher the patch's algorithm on the Virt, the more inherent hiss & noise IS introduced to the signal!
Lower the Hi-Eq to -2 and keep the Lo Eq FLAT (0).

I'm going to try that-I just discovered I never read the Virt manual! It's somewhat compex-gotta do my homework.
It seems to be a device with a ton of intricate features, variations and settings.

thanks very much................Ted