Rapper needs to be a freestyler??


Officially~> Yo-DHA
hey fam, just tryin to make myself clear on this. What do you guys think? Does a rapper have to be a freestyler? I just try the write lyrics and rap thing(just tryin) and i feel freestyling needs a lot practice, and if someone whos not a freestyler, cant he be considered as a true rapper?? hope ya ll reply..thanx.
What up, Fo sure you can be a real rapper if you ain't down with teh freestyle scene. A Brothah might be able to write the illest rhymes man, know what I'm sayin, but just because he can't 8-mile it, that don't make him no fake spittah. Seriously, I ain't frontin'. It ain't all about the improv, a'ight?
i say no...(mind you i dont rap)

i know a few artist that dont write..they peace song together in their head...and if come out better then most that wwrite..but i know some that can write their ass off and can make a hit..:D

some freestyler ride the beat well some dont..hell you get that with writers also..lol

i guess it really depends of the person really..
bknot1 said:
i know a few artist that dont write..they peace song together in their head...and if come out better then most that wwrite..

do they take crash courses??? :D
Two things,

1) You're an idiot if you thought the post above yours was serious. :D

2) I think that an MC has to be able to freestyle. I am a bad freestyler myself but I need to bring that skill up as I'm an ill lyricist when pen hits the paper.

B Knot, I know what you mean by the piecing together thing [Jay and Biggie immediately come to mind] but that's not freestyled, they just have good memories that allow them to arrange the word sequences mentally.
i used to freestyle for hours w/ a few friends sittin around the laptop throwin up beats and gettin weeded. man, i havent freestyled in a year or more. and yes, it does need practice. writing gives me a chance to organize my thoughts better and create cohesive sentences. freestyling was just whatever sounded good and rhymed. eh - for me anyways.
BillyBo said:
i used to freestyle for hours w/ a few friends sittin around the laptop throwin up beats and gettin weeded. man, i havent freestyled in a year or more. and yes, it does need practice. writing gives me a chance to organize my thoughts better and create cohesive sentences. freestyling was just whatever sounded good and rhymed. eh - for me anyways.
Precisely. That's the essence. Nas is the only cat I've seen that can tell a story freestyling.
jibran said:
[Jay and Biggie immediately come to mind] but that's not freestyled, they just have good memories that allow them to arrange the word sequences mentally.

yeah T.I. is another one...LiL Wayne is doin it now..
jibran said:
By "the post above you", I'm referring to Irish cat not my boy B Knot.

What the fuck, man? Just 'cos a brotha is Irish, y'all got be all up in his face? Like the irish don't know jack about 8 ball deals, beanpies and pullin yo biscuit on a cop. Yo think you got the goddamn franchise on being oppressed by the man? Bullshit, aight? The Irish, we ghetto as fuck. Ghetto as fuck man.

Y'all be bullshit. That's some mothafuckin crazy bitch ass shit.

I'm out.
A good freestyler or MC always has a large vocabulary of words in there head. They never have hot or cold moments and they can spit something at anytime no matter how much pressure is against them. They also write alot atleast 3 songs a week in a notepad. Freestyling lyrically takes alot of skill to master. Some are god giftedly talented like emniem, big L, nas, canibus, and krs one etc. Like one said in the post above some ride the beat with basic punchlines with simple rhymes, while others can mentally paint a picture in your head while spittin with crazy vocabulary. I consider my freestyle more of a rider than a freestyle lyricsts. Even some true lyrists use lines already written from their tracks. Like punchline one can be from one song, and punchline two can be from another. The people who hears them spit never know that.

Its just too bad that MC's are not getting the publicity and respect they deserve since rap has been watered down to some pop-mainstream garbage. Atleast hiphop is still alive.

To answer the original question in these days we live in with the evolution of instant communication like the internet (where anyone can be a star), you dont have be a lyricist or a strong writer to go platinum. All you need is a simple cacthy hook, a beat to complement that and a sellable image and your set.
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jibran said:
Precisely. That's the essence. Nas is the only cat I've seen that can tell a story freestyling.

Check out a dude named Sha Stimuli. This cat is nasty. He freestyled at this radio station and killed it.
jibran said:
Two things,

1) You're an idiot if you thought the post above yours was serious. :D

2) I think that an MC has to be able to freestyle. I am a bad freestyler myself but I need to bring that skill up as I'm an ill lyricist when pen hits the paper.

B Knot, I know what you mean by the piecing together thing [Jay and Biggie immediately come to mind] but that's not freestyled, they just have good memories that allow them to arrange the word sequences mentally.

Well, I can only take what people mean by xpressin their views, if they posted it wit seriousness, I d be takin dat as serious too cos it depends on how everyone feel. plus in here I take wat I think good.. so, i honestly think that i need to be a freestyler someday..but I dont actually support that there s a thumbrule fo a rapper that he has to be a freestyler if he gotta be a true rapper..cos, many people come in wit diffrnt atmospheres, take me for xample. I dont have a single chance to do/practice freestyle in ma hood..and plus i dont have anyone who s freestyled before in here.. so I cant really get into that from ma situations..i think it, as Bk said, depends on person and his surroundigs..

BillyBo said:
i used to freestyle for hours w/ a few friends sittin around the laptop throwin up beats and gettin weeded. man, i havent freestyled in a year or more. and yes, it does need practice. writing gives me a chance to organize my thoughts better and create cohesive sentences. freestyling was just whatever sounded good and rhymed. eh - for me anyways.

for hours??? dats real sick man.. I never tried rappin wit weed though.. hehe
32-20-Blues said:
What the fuck, man? Just 'cos a brotha is Irish, y'all got be all up in his face? Like the irish don't know jack about 8 ball deals, beanpies and pullin yo biscuit on a cop. Yo think you got the goddamn franchise on being oppressed by the man? Bullshit, aight? The Irish, we ghetto as fuck. Ghetto as fuck man.

Y'all be bullshit. That's some mothafuckin crazy bitch ass shit.

I'm out.

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I don't RAP AT ALL EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think one NEEDS to freestyle to be considered nice. IMHO
Get in where you fit in!

Some can do both and that takes much talent. But I would not respect a rapper any less if they can't can't freestyle, I'll just put him in another category!
And even the freestyle has to be nice! I don't believe in excuses just because he is freestyling and people who keep repeating theselves. AND I BETTER NOT PREDICT HIS NEXT LINE!!!!!! That makes it even WORSE!
I haven't freestyled in 5 years, at least. I used to do it all the time...

The thing is, I knowa lot of freestylers who can't write a song to save their lives. They're nice off the dome, and with punchlines.. but they can't keep a listeners (not another emcee, a fan) attention for more than 16 bars.

Freestyling isn't necessary to be an emcee. I'd much rather be a dope writer than a dope freestyler... that's for sure.
32-20-Blues said:
You be disrespecting me too, homes? :confused: What's up wit dat?

Seriously, why do you find it necessary to disrespect our forum? We didn't seek you out, and berate you for liking rock music, or doing whatever genre you do. Yet you find it necessary to come into our little forum, and mock us based on your perception of the culture. Likely through mainstream means, which is not a representation of who or what we are.

It amazes me, the lack of maturity in some people. Regardless of your misconstrued perceptions of Hip-Hop and/or Rap, there's no need to perpetuate ignorance by ridiculing anyone.

Please have some dignity and enough respect for yourself, to not stoop to the level of a 4th grader who had his sucker taken away. :rolleyes: