radio shack mic vs blue bottle

.Tyson Studios.

Anyone care to put up a few sound samples of a dfferent level mics? I'm intrested to see how much of a difference is. It doesnt have to be a blue bottle but any higher level mic vs a cheapo mic would be cool :P No special reason, just curious :confused::D Who ever does it will win a cash prize*!!!!

*prize amount may vary
How you been?
Here you go Tyson .......................

Thank you for the lovely samples moresound, but I have won this contest!

As we all know testing methodology is vital in any scientific undertaking of this kind:
First I used a professional tape measure to get the mics at different levels. The mics were placed at 2ft level from the floor, 3 ft level from the floor, 4 ft, and so on up to 8 ft. Then I used a carpenters' level to match the levels. All samples are on facebook (somewhere). Oops, I forgot to plug them in... But you get the idea, I'm sure.

I anxiously await my cash prize.
Man... This is a toughy... (opens envelope) The money goes to... (Unfolds paper) 1 lofe of bread 2 pounds of swiss cheese and 1 1/2 pounds of honey ham!!!! wait... thats my grocery list...
Man... This is a toughy... (opens envelope) The money goes to... (Unfolds paper) 1 lofe of bread 2 pounds of swiss cheese and 1 1/2 pounds of honey ham!!!! wait... thats my grocery list...

Uh oh. Sounds like he embezzled the prize money to buy groceries. Or some other frivilous thing...... like gasoline.