Radio Interference:

Mr. Bert

New member
I am new to this forum but have been playing and recording since 1979. I am currently finishing a new studio and I am experiencing some problems with RFI.

I (unfortunately) have an AM Radio Station about 1/2 mile from the present location of my studio. Although it is fully soundproofed, I am picking up the broadcast through the wiring in the structure.

If you just plug a set of cans (phones) into the console, you can hear the station crystal clear, although it is at a low volume.

What is my best method to combat this problem? I appreciate your time and attention regarding this matter...Bert
Since AM radio is at a much higher frequency than audio, you need low pass filters. You may need to experiment to find out just where you need them, but the RF could be getting into your console thru any cables pluged into it. I don't have too much experience with this, but I would look at the AC power input. Maybe a cheap power conditioner or RF filter would get you by here.

Oooo! I got an idea! Before you get too far, unplug everything except the power cable. Now check to see if you have the interferance.. Keep plugging things in one at a time. This way, you'll narrow down exactly what signal you need to treat.

Good luck!
Good idea. I have never experienced this type of problem before. Most all of my recording was in a commercial studio. This is my first private venture and I am discovering all sorts of new and interesting things.

I will keep you posted and keep those ideas coming...Robert