Rack EQs


New member
Ok, so I just switched from using guitar pedals to everything rack, so I need some advice. I want to get a good EQ, but I've heard as a common complaint about them in general is that they create a lot of noise. Anyone have any good, noise-free experience with a rackmountable guitar EQ?
MessianicDreams said:
i know it may sound a bit un-orthodox, but what about getting a 31 band graphic EQ? total tonal control...
See, that's exactly the kind I'm looking for. All the people I know that use huge EQs like that have mostly all complained about excess noise.
i guess that's something that you'll need to shop around for then. i've had experience with a BSS graphic EQ and i seem to remember that it was alright..

then again i was using it to tune monitors...
chiz said:
See, that's exactly the kind I'm looking for. All the people I know that use huge EQs like that have mostly all complained about excess noise.

Good 31 bands cost $$. Rane Mojo series can be had for a decent price, and are good.

Added to that is that guitars are pretty damn noisy, and any serious boosting is likely to add to that.

Why not a parametric? Aphex ones pop up on ebay cheap all the time, they are great tone-shapers. As are the Ashly units.
chiz said:
Ok, so I just switched from using guitar pedals to everything rack, so I need some advice. I want to get a good EQ, but I've heard as a common complaint about them in general is that they create a lot of noise. Anyone have any good, noise-free experience with a rackmountable guitar EQ?

If you really want to have a versatile and functional rack mounted eq, you should consider a parametric. Sure, it takes quite a bit of time to learn how to use them, but so what? The Rane PE-17 is an excellent budget product with very low noise.
Pick up an orban designed dbx 242, they show up on the bay or even here for under $200 and work great on guitar and instruments, not so good on vox though, not bad just not great
I have several Rane ME30B which are 31-band EQ. Bink did a shootout comparison of EQ boxes on ProSoundWeb some time back. The Rane fared well.

They are inexpensive and plentiful on eBay. Note there are several versions, and the ME30 is quite different (older) from the ME30B. There are multiple versions of the "B" unit also. I don't know what they are, but I suspect the improvements are subtle. Check the faceplate design and layout against current and older Rane units.

I also have a Rane GE60 interpolating EQ which is a higher class than the ME30B. It is 2RU, but it has the interpolating function. Read the Rane tech docs for understanding.
Rane is a great EQ that won't break the bank and are road-tested.
I don't know about the "Mojo" series.
But the ME-30 is quite rugged and is not that noisy as long as you set the gain to unity (no boost) and use fairly gentle EQ curves (it has 12/6dB adjustable max range).
I don't know what a good eq might be for you, but the 31 band eq's tend to be too noisy, especially in a noisy guitar rig. I'd honestly rather have one of those boss eq pedals than a big 31 band eq. Sometimes simple is better, and those things were designed for guitar and work great.
bgavin said:
I have several Rane ME30B which are 31-band EQ. Bink did a shootout comparison of EQ boxes on ProSoundWeb some time back. The Rane fared well.

I've been looking for this shootout, where can it be found?
Big Kenny said:
For live or recording?
fldrummer said:
Is this before or after the amp?
valverec said:
I don't know what a good eq might be for you, but the 31 band eq's tend to be too noisy, especially in a noisy guitar rig. I'd honestly rather have one of those boss eq pedals than a big 31 band eq. Sometimes simple is better, and those things were designed for guitar and work great.
I had a Boss EQ pedal, and it did very well and gave me the sound I needed, but I just switched to using all rack units and Boss doesn't have a rack version.
Hey Folks, Sorry to highjack this Thread but this Forum will not let me Post a New Topic for some reason.....

I have been looking for a Good Rack mount EQ unit for my Studio and I saw a used "Rane ME15 EQ" which is a 2 channel (Stereo) 15 Band per Channel EQ on EBay for Pretty Cheap so i bought it and it should be here any day now.....

Can anyone tell me if this is a Good EQ for the Money I paid for it ($35 US)??(I think It retailed for about $300 new)

Well the Review seemed like it was a fairly good EQ (Rane ME15) and for $35 Bucks i really can"t go wrong...I also Picked up a Yahama 2020 Compressor for $15 and I guess if it sucks I can allways use it for target Practice...lol

I too had experimented in using a rack EQ with one of my rack guitar rigs (Carvin Quad X), and I had noise issues with it as well. I have to admit that I gave up on it pretty quickly though, maybe I need to revisit that set since I still have two rack mount EQ's (Yamaha and DOD )

Since you seemed to like the boss EQ pedal, you may want to consider running it in your effects loop (If you have one??), this way you can just leave it on all the time and stash it in the back of your rack case. This is what I ended up doing :D

Here's my rack rigs:



Good luck!
