Racist coffee...


Son of Yoda
I was just reading an article in the Saturday paper about how apparently Starbucks in the US are now offering an Australian coffee* staple - they're calling it the "flat top" but we have another name for it.

No-one here thinks anything at all about the terms flat white, long black and short black when ordering coffee in Australia, irrespective of their skin colour... that's just what the particular versions are called, but apparently these terms are too racially charged for use elsewhere in the civilised world, if the article is to be believed.

How strange... tell me it ain't so?:confused:

*BTW Americans, that filter/drip jug of watery brown stuff that always seems to be on a heating element somewhere (according to US TV) doesn't actually exist in Australia. If you buy prepared coffee over here, it's espresso, always.
And there's always instant. Oh, sorry, that would be offensive to the non-immedeate.
we can get flat white coffee's here in england...it's a costa coffee product, never knew it had any racist meanings, I just drink it and go.
Everyone in America is racist and it's feared that cups of coffee will be used as tools for bigotry.
I just thank God (....or god...or Allah...or Hare Krishna...Or Budda....or the power of women...or Malcom X...or Darwin...or Satan...or AL Gore...or the US government. ..or no higher power whatsoever because no exists) that we are not going to allow or condone coffee to be referred to in racist terms.
(Insert your belief system here) bless the USA!!
Flat white latex paint is what I used to paint the living room...suppose we'll have to call it something different now.
Really surprised no one has complained about Blackberry phones, Truewhite teeth whitener, or oriental rugs.
Let alone Indian Wells, CA, Blackfoot, ID or White Settlement, TX.
It's turned sour in Oz.
Any institution allowing alternative commentary is being deemed traitor by our prime minister. Our previous worst PM at least said, when someone confronted him on TV with an extreme view, that it was a perfect example of what a great place we lived in that it could occur. Now the new worst PM calls for a govt. inquiry into the public broadcaster because an "extreme" view was put to a govt minister who, in response, made expressed a similarly extreme but opposite view.
...and what's the deal with Ovaltine?

Mmmm...ovaltine. My wife says it's all just sugar but I say give me a chocolate malt flavored glass of ovaltine with my breakfast or else! :D

Mixed with whole milk, of course...none of that sissy, watered down 2% or skim milk!
I was just reading an article in the Saturday paper about how apparently Starbucks in the US are now offering an Australian coffee* staple - they're calling it the "flat top" but we have another name for it.

Starbucks, Inc likes to hug koala bears.

This thread has been Sculpted. (That's another Down Under term, coined by your very own Gecko Zzed. :) )
I've had Cuban coffee. It'll really get your cylinders pumping....it's made with brown sugar as it's brewed. I prefer my own version, using natural honey instead. Really direct injects the caffeine into the blood stream.