Quote from February's Future Music Magazine


aka WookieMan
"Anyone using Digidesign hardware has long know they don't have to use Digidesign software with it, but in what looks like a shrewd move on Cakewalk's part, they've thrown their hat into the ring. Sonar now supports Digi 001 and 002, MBox and Pro Tools|HD hardware, so expect a driver update in early 2003"

Mind you the update is already available...

I just hope some No 1. chart hits are going to be made in SONAR. Has it happened before? If so it hasn't been made very public...
Then SONAR will eventually take over Pro Tools.. and become more popular in the industry... yeay.

Where can I find documentation...

about this protools emulation. I have a DM 24 which can interact with protools. I would like to get the transport controls on the Tascam to work with sonar.

The cakewalk site didn't have much for me.

Thanks, RD
I need details

The cakewalk site only lists the added features, not how to make them work or details of operation unless I missed something.

The DM24 has some mackie emulation, MMC and I think HUI too. What is best with sonar 2.2? I have searched and the returns are not too relevant.

I have done my share of hardware configuration but I would like to find out if there is already something going on that will get me started. I would rather not be tasked with reinventing the wheel.

Thanks, RD